Page 187 - Your Leader Within Introduction
P. 187

With his encouragement, she became very receptive and had several “spiritual experiences” in the process.
In this soundbite, she talks about her first calling. She was told to get rid of her possessions quit her job and career and await direction. Weeks later, nearly everything was gone. Then she received airplane tickets to the Yukon territory - and the journey began.
Initial guidance
Terri-Lynn’s awareness of her God Voice makes itself known to her through her bodily energy from goose bumps to a feeling of total vibration. She calls it a “river of energy” flowing from head to foot. She is able to discern her God Voice from her ego voice, by feeling the physical effect in her body.
For many, including me, feeling this energy is difficult. We have been trained to swallow our feelings whether joyful or painful.
Several times in this book, I talk about the importance of feelings as a gateway to Your Leader Within.

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