Page 198 - Your Leader Within Introduction
P. 198
Contemporary philosopher, Ken Wilber, truly encompasses how life on this planet works and how we, and all organisms, have evolved over time. He has written over 30 books including the best seller “A Brief History of Everything.”
Wilber’s Integral Theory is that every evolutionary step transcends and includes all that went previously. Life began with a single cell that is now part the highest living form of evolution - us.
The purpose of this chapter is to show how intuition is an integral part of consciousness and an integral life will be one of fulfillment and wholeness.
Wilber’s Integral Theory has been and is being applied to nearly every endeavor in life from spiritual to medical to philosophy and to life itself. Only a very brief summary of his work where intuition plays a role, is expressed here
Wilber describes the human experience as having stages and states of consciousness. I would put