Page 200 - Your Leader Within Introduction
P. 200
The Tribal Church was a church with a spiritual leader or shaman and where God’s (or multiple gods’) role was to provide everything for the survival of the tribe.
The Warrior Church was the church of vengeance in the old testament. The city-state used God as a way to “smite our enemy.”
The Contemporary Church has and still is the most popular version of the Christian evolution. It is exemplified by most of the currently popular religions (Catholic, Protestant sects, etc.). God is “out there” and Jesus is the connection. God’s role is to provide community, and rules and guidelines on how to live with each other.
The Modern Church is the non-church of our times. Science has the answers and God is no longer needed for any meaningful purpose.
The Post-Modern Church moves to a level where God is All. God is in every person and every living and non-living thing. This is my current thinking about intuition. Intuition serves us as a gateway to the higher Self or to God.
God’s role in the Post-Modern Church is to provide direction for our lives. Ideally, this level of world view not only accepts all lifestyles, world views, ethnics, etc. but it also integrates them into the church.