Page 34 - Your Leader Within Introduction
P. 34
This learning occurred specifically after interviewing Terri-Lynn Johnson (see Chapter 5, Section 8). Terri- Lynn is the epitome of a person who totally follows her inner guidance sometimes at great risk. She gave up everything decades ago and has been following her “calling” ever since.
I’m not talking about the minor decisions. I’m talking about her selling everything and waiting for direction because her first directive was to “sell and wait.”
As part of our work together, I recorded two meditations with Terri-Lynn that put intuition into a different perspective. Instead of applying it to goals or what is wanted, she applies it to her state of consciousness. In a sense it is still goals, but a different view.
For example, the real goals in life, from my perspective, are joy, happiness, excitement, energy. When you look at goals in this way, they are all dependent on how I feel right now, not how I’m
doing over time. They are all relating to being present.
Terri-Lynn has developed a “clearing” process for use in the evening and a “unifying” process for use each morning. The idea is to scan your day each day to determine where you were not fully present in five areas or what Terri-Lynn calls “inventory.”