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P. 5
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Watch a funny monkey movie
MAIN Game Review
This game is
Find 10 differences Ireplay value, always go- you get 15 banana medals, the
t has great game play and
classic “Jetpac” game. Overall
ing back to try and get that this is a great game. I would
101%!!! Anyway it has great put it up (not quite as high)
music, especially in fungi with Zelda 64 (best game ever
forest and crystal caverns made) and Super Mario 64.
and it also is fairly difficult This game also features Don-
to collect all 200 bananas. key and Diddy, Tiny who you
Or is it 201? You will find out can tell is related to Dixie (the
if you try and complete the hair twirl move you get later)
game in every possible way. Lanky, a fairly random clown
This game has good graph- of a orangutan and last of all
ics and will keep you going Chunky, who appears to be
for hours and hours. It also related to Kiddy. Big, chunky,
has two bonus games: THe and STROG AS HECK!!!
See next page for solution
original donkey Kong and if