Page 91 - IAK Emagazine Thenmozhikal
P. 91

20. The Magical  Tunnel

                                                                        of Anchuruli

                   ituated    amongst       the    gushing      Erattayar and Anchuruli. Water passes
               Slocations in Western Ghats Land and             through this tunnel and drains into the
               providing an enchanting view of the              lake. The adventurous ones can walk into
               semi-evergreen       forests     grasslands,     the tunnel during summer although it is
               Anchuruli Waterfalls (also spelt as              dangerous. The best time for visit
               Anjuruli) is a surreal location definitely       Anchuruli waterfalls is after the rainy
               worth visiting. The water that comes             season. Trekking is possible with the
               from Erattayar River is used for the Idukki      prior  permission  from  the  Divisional
               hydro-electric project. A 4.75 km tunnel         forest Office at Kanchiyar.
               passes through the mountain, connecting

                                          Best Compliments from
                                          Best Compliments from

                                           Binesh Joseph & Family

                Binesh Joseph, Ashly Binesh, Diya  Anna Binesh, Jiya Mariya Binesh, Leo Binesh
                                              Mutholil House, Kanchiyar
                   “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”

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