Page 9 - Winning The Nutrition Battle
P. 9
‘’Lack of proper nutrition, caused by not having
enough to eat, not eating enough of the right Cost of malnutrition
things, or being unable to use the food eaten.‘’
on a nation’s GDP
3 % reduction in GDP **
Why we should care That’s about $81 billion that is lost to the economy
India’s economy is estimated at $2.7 trillion
Malnutrition disproportionately affects children and women, two of the
most vulnerable groups. 10 % reduction in the income of a
Malnutrition can result in stunting, wastage, and low-weight in children. malnourished person **
Acute malnutrition in children can result in death. Undernourishment can
lead to loss of cognitive ability, lower immunity, morbidity and resistance
to diseases among children below the age of six. *
Mothers typically suffer from anemia because they are not getting
iron-rich foods. During pregnancy, this can result in premature births,
underweight babies and both infant and maternal mortality.
*Children upto six is the limit set by the government of India, under its flagship nutrition program
**Tata Trust estimate
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