Page 3 - PROFILE
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Wayanad District Women Multi-purpose Co-operative Society Ltd
is a cooperative society based In Wayanad district, kerala, Indla.
Its main ob-jective is to empower women by providing them with
financial independ-ence and opportunities for economic growth.
As a cooperative society, it operates on the princlples of self help,
mutual assistance and democrat-ic decision making. The society
aims to address the socio-economic challenges faced by women
In the region by promoting entrepreneur-ship, skill development,
and financial inclusion. The aim of the society is economic, social
and cultural upliftment of women
The Society is a registered co-operative society having various
objects viz: accepting deposits and giving loans to members, Travel
And Tour-ism, Information Technology, Infrastructure Development,
Education ,Hire Purchase And Leasing marketing activities etc. The
said society is registered with joint registrar, cooperative society,
wayanad district ,on 16/12/2019 with registration no W350. During
the last three years society engaged in the business of accepting
deposits and giving loans to members and chit business.
The society has two extension counters at Kaniyambetta and
Muttil. The society carries out Banking and Non-anking activities.