Page 50 - TFK-Catalog_2021-Full
P. 50

HANDCRAFTED                                                               CURED MEATS

                               AWARD                                               AMERICAN

                La Quercia, is home to some of the finest cured meats in the world.
                Sourcing  old  breed  hogs  raised  to  the  highest  levels  of  animal
                husbandry, you won’t find an ounce of hormones or antibiotics in
                these pigs, and they’ve all had room to root and roam. The pork is
                salted delicately so the cure features the flavor of the breed.

                 • Prosciutto Americano.............................#47210

                 • Prosciutto Piccante*...............................#47220

                 • Speck.....................................................#47225

                 • Coppa....................................................#47265

                 • Pancetta.................................................#47260
                 • Guanciale..............................................#47270



                 • Prosciutto Americano.............................#47230

                                                      * Special Order
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