Page 5 - Telecom Reseller January-February 2020
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           January/February 2020
Telecom Reseller 5
 Best of Enterprise
Tellabs IP-POTS VoIP delivers economical migration for TDM
  Connect: What’s on
switch retirement
With the availability of the new Tellabs IP-POTS VoIP card, the prolific Tellabs 1000 Multiservice Access Platform offers service providers with a cost-effective migration from analog voice to VoIP DALLAS,
TX - Tellabs, the long-standing leader in broadband access network transformation solutions for global telecommunications service providers, has announced that Tellabs® 1000 Multiservice Access Platform (MSAP) Feature Package 18.0 (FP18), and the new Tellabs® IP-POTS VoIP plug-in card, has entered the Limited Availability product lifecycle process.
The Tellabs 1000 MSAP’s IP-POTS card can provide a graceful, and cost-effective,
Tap for 2020
announced since March 2019, give your vendor a nudge to enter the Best of Enterprise Connect award program. We’re accepting submissions through end of day on Friday, Jan. 31.
And, if you haven’t yet registered for Enterprise Connect 2020, do so soon to get our lowest rate — and enter TELRESEL at checkout to save an additional $200 off the cost of attendance. See you there! n
migration from analog voice to VoIP. The Tellabs 1000 is a proven network element to eliminate TDM host and remote switches. The new Tellabs 1000 IP-POTS card enables SIP conversion of existing analog POTS, eliminating the need for TDM switch terminations, and thus:
Reduces day-1 capital expenses and year-over-year operational expenses
Lowers power usage, and better reliability, with modern components Lessens building space requirements
providing options to reuse space
To read this article further please visit
by Beth Schultz, Editor, NoJitter ProgramCo-Chair, Enterprise Connect
Looking for the latest and greatest advancements in AI, customer experience, employee engagement, and
meeting rooms
When the Enterprise Connect Exhibit
Hall opens its doors on March 30,
attendees will have the chance to see the latest and greatest products from UC and collaboration industry players big and small alike. The enterprise communications and collaboration industry is nothing if not highly dynamic.
Many businesses today are driven by
the desire to excel at customer service and enable opportunities for truly collaborative work among employees and, when necessary, external colleagues. Across these two areas, creating environments where employees can easily engage with one another effectively and productively is key.
Artificial intelligence (AI) plays an increasing role, whether that takes shape in the form of chatbots and agent assist tools within the contact center or virtual meeting assistants and advanced speech technologies on the business side. But all sorts of other factors come into play, too... the user interface, integration among disparate apps, seamlessness of experience, and so on.
Everybody’s talking about all of this,
but some companies are delivering on it better than others. And discovering which companies do it in the way that best serve your business’s needs may well be one of the very reasons you’d find yourself exploring the Enterprise Connect 2020 Exhibit Hall this spring.
As always, Enterprise Connect likes
to recognize exhibitors that showcase innovative and interesting new products
at their booths. We do this in our annual Best of Enterprise Connect award program, through which we aim to recognize outstanding product achievements within specific categories as well as overall. For 2020, we’ll be recognizing excellence in these four award categories:
Best Application of Artificial Intelligence Best Innovation in Customer Experience Best Innovation for Advancing Employee/
End User Engagement
Best Innovation for Meeting Rooms
In addition, all entries will be in contention for the overall Best of Enterprise Connect award.
A judging panel vets all entries, determining finalists and winners through an independent review and voting process. This year’s judges are:
Jon Arnold, principal, J Arnold &
Brent Kelly, president and principal
analyst, KelCor
Steve Leaden, president, Leaden
Sheila McGee-Smith, McGee-Smith
We’ll be announcing winners on Tuesday, March 31, during the morning general sessions... and here on No Jitter, of course.
If you’re using any great new products
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