Page 11 - Telecom Reseller April-May 2019
P. 11

Collaboration: Connecting customers to
partners will be very easy with simple tools
Vendor Evaluation: ‘How’ Matters
for finding the right partner. Collaboration
Telecom Reseller 11 SJust As Much As What Is Delivered
 April/May 2019
within the community will also be kept
Mitel Grows Access to UCaaS Solutions in EMEA and
 simple, through the use of social technologies
integrated with some of Vonage’s own
the customer interactions for businesses this quote attributed to American poet
APAC with Expanded Westcon-Comstor Partnership
communication bots. earch for famous sayings about laws controls. Each of these traits is a leading indicator “tPoint Solutions help optimize and connect and sausage and you’ll find variants of of results. Consider that mature processes yield
that include some of the largest logistics companies in EMEA. Nexmo APIs have enabled
John Godfrey Saxe: “Laws, like sausages, by Timothy C. Colwell, SVP reduce human-induced error, and thorough
cease to inspire respect in proportion as we know Efficiency First® Adoption – process controls mitigate unnecessary business risk.
Signs Westcon-Comstor as a new master
new agreement follows Mitel’s appointment
So, understanding how results are delivered enables customers to evaluate factors that drive optimal results and identify risk factors that hinder results.
us to build Voice Bots into our offerings that
how they are made.” The humor of the quip is
of Westcon-Comstor in July 2018 as pan-
agent to address businesses’ growing
elevated the more I think about it. I love a great international distributor for Mitel’s UC
are increasing customer satisfaction and
demand for unified communications and
sausage, but don’t really don’t care to understand its portfolio.
results. Some managed services vendors go so far
as to say their processes are proprietary, to shield When drafting laws and making sausage, there
improving efficiencies for our customers,”
collaboration as a service in the region
pre-grill genesis story.
Building upon the success of Mitel’s
"Globally, Mitel is a recognized leader in
said Andy Griffin, Founder and CEO, tPoint
l Accelerates adoption of subscription- Solutiboansse.d“uTnhiefievdalcuoemwmeugneitcaistiosinms panled, workicnogllwabitohraNtieoxnminotahnedroegtihoenrpartners withintlheUNneloxcmksonCeownbnuescitnepsrsoogprapmor,tuwnei’triesfor gettintgheinpnaorvtnaetrivseconmewmusenritvyicaensdtcoomnsaurlktaenttsin
customers from inspecting the back-office details. are established controls designed to protect the versioAnmofetrhiecas,atuhseageexpquanodteetdoaignrfoeermecnutsteonmabelress Focusingonvendorresultsasopposedto integrityoftheendproduct.Controlsshouldalso
fast-growing UCaaS market
and APAC regions, while helping sales focus on the results. In theory, this makes sense.
approximately 4.6 million users"
faster and we’re improving the businesses of
partners and consultants gain access to new Let the vendors excel at what they do and judge
underpinning the results significantly influences alone. Understand how vendors deliver results to
l Enables resellers to rely on the combined our customers.” Learn more about Nexmo
recurring revenue-based services and market them on the results, not the practices that yield the
the quality of outcomes. Understanding the ‘how’ sheds light on process maturity, automation and
Connect. MiCloud Connect delivers all-in-
make the most informed decision when evaluating vendors to satisfy your business requirements. n
support and expertise of Mitel and Westcon-
Connect at
segments and unlock additional business opportunities.
Comstor to move their customers to the
Globally, Mitel is a recognized leader in cloud communications services and serves
LONDON - Mitel®, a global leader in
rich, off-the-shelf cloud communications solutions at predictable monthly expense.
Vonage (NYSE:VG) is redefining business
A- Os k c t t o h b e e T r e 2 l e 0 c 1 o 8 m P r o
business communications, has announced
one telephony, collaboration, messaging and
duplicate records, detail records, and
communications. True to our roots as a
approximately 4.6 million users, including 1.4 million UCaaS users. According to
Bureau. FEMA administers the Integrated
: Carriers may charge administrative
it has signed a master agent agreement with
contact center capabilities in a simple-to-
In addition, no investment is required in
technology disruptor, we’ve embraced
Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS),
fees for several things including
Westcon-Comstor to expand availability
manage, easy-to-use solution that enables
infrastructure or resources from the sales partners side.”
technology to transform how companies
which is a public safety system connected
of Mitel’s growing UCaaS portfolio across
UCaaS market
users to communicate more productively
communicate to create better business
with participating wireless carriers.
different media types. Charges vary by
EMEA and APAC. The partnership will
from anywhere.
“(This) announcement underlines two
outcomes. Our unique cloud communications
Organizations such as county, city, state
carrier and situation.
further accelerate Mitel’s go-to-market
trends we are seeing in the market: the
platform brings together a robust unified
and federal public safety agencies can
A best practice is to understand each
strategy for UCaaS and offer greater
of emcboemddmeudn, icoantitoenxstaunadl comllambournaitcioantiosonlsutions
APIstthraotuagreheNaesyxmtoou,sTehaendVoqnuaicgketAoPdIeploy. The
Platform. This powerful combination enables
businesses to collaborate more productively
and engage their customers more effectively : Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) are
regi“sMteirtetloabnde aWneastlceornti-nCgoamustthoor rhitayveinbuilt a IPAWfrSu,itafunldptahritsnaerllsohwipsotvheermthteopbasrtoyaedacr,aasntd WEAwmeaerseseaxgcietesdthtorobuegehxpanrdticnigpiatt...ingwiththe wirealedsdsiticoanrroifeorsurtoUuCsaearSdpeovritcfoelsio,” said Rami
steady shift to the cloud and progressive carrieardso’ rpatitoencoafrtdhefomrasdtemr aingiesnttrmatoivdel in chargEeMs pErAioarntdoAePnAtCer,”insagidinRtoenaé bKulesiin,essensior agreeVmiceenPtraensidenetgooftWiaetsetcconusEtuormope.“It’san termsexfocirtiandgmtimineisftorraWtiveestcohna-rCgoems.stIforthasewe
cloud communications services and serves
thatthMeyitsehloaunldWnoetsbtceocno-nCcoemrnsetdorwtiothsuhpopwoartthe howresultsaregeneratedseemsreasonable beappliedbybusinessesconsumingsolutionsfrom solutioanccieslderealitvienrgedm;oravtehteor,cluosutodminertshsehEoMuldEA onthesurface,buttherealityisthatthe‘how’ vendors.Don’tjudgeavendoronpromisedresults
is expected to grow by 12.7% in Western Europe and 16.4% in APAC over the next four years. Over the past year, Mitel has
Qseen increased demand for UCaaS services in t:heWsehroegisiorness, pwoitnhs5ib1%le ufoserrWgriroewltehss ofitEsmflaegrsgheipncUyCAaaleSrstoslu(WtioEnA,M)iniCtlhoued
United States?
Houbby, Vice President International UCaaS
evolve our business to support these new
predictable results. Highly automated processes
Sales, Mitel.
“Mitel is uniquely positioned to offer
trends and Mitel’s distribution strategy,
governed by the Federal Emergency A
supporting WEA.
business relationship is established
 across messaging, chat, social media, video
account management team and seek a
and voice. [1] IDC, Worldwide Voice and Management Agency (FEMA) within the Text Messaging Communications Platform- Public Safety and Homeland Security
waiver or reduced ‘good customer’ rate
st, 2
on their business needs. With Westcon- Comstor on board, sales partners will be able to offer their customers simple, feature-
opportunity to build upon our joint success to date.”
2, IDC
e Fo
elps Value Added
communications to the cloud, depending
Naturally, we are delighted to have the
#US43805418, May 2018 n
Resellers and Managed Service
More at n
Providers Deliver Advanced
call detail records. Is this standard Q
without negotiated terms, engage your
: My carrier charges to provide
adding value with our technical expertise
customers a choice of ways to move
and by creating net new opportunities.
on an as-needed basis.
 BlueJeans Channel organization. Most recently, Ruditsky was part of the
 RTC Capabilities
Program Continues to
executive team at Actiance, Inc. where he developed
Grow with Ingram Micro
ISV and OEM relationships with IBM and built and launched a global VAR program that helped lead to a suwcictehsscfusltsoamleitzoaKbl1e IsnovluesttimonesnthMatasno-lavgement in latec2o0m1m7.oRnudcoitmskmywunillicleaatidoannsicnhtaelrlneantgioensafalcteadmof
by enterprises, contact centers and other BlueJeans team members and partners to continue
Leading CPaaS platform enables channel DisptartniebrsutotoiffoerndisraupntivderNeal-etimwe
communications capabilities and create new
Corporate Leadership
market segments.”
the growth and expansion of its channel business and
revenue opportunities
LAS VEGAS, NV - Ribbon
Kandy is a cloud-based white label CPaaS revenue.
public, private or hybrid environments
as we continue to work alongside the industry’s best
Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: RBBN), Meetings Platform Available to Ingram Micro’s U.S.
solution that can be flexibly deployed in
“There is a terrific market opportunity for BlueJeans
a global software leader in secure and Partners; Industry Channel Vet-eran Joins BlueJeans to
versus a capex-intensive, time-consuming partners, including Ingram Micro,” said Ruditsky.
intelligent cloud communications, has Lead Next Phase of Partner Growth
build-your-own model. In addition to “Enterprise companies in every market segment
announced that its Ribbon’s Kandy Cloud MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA - Blue Jeans Network,
offering revenue-ready, easily deployable
Communications Platform as a Service
are fully aware of the impact that meeting and and fully functional pre-developed apps
Inc., creator of the first cloud service to connect (CPaaS) is delivering the same advanced
collaboration solutions like BlueJeans have on the such as Live Supportand Visual Attendant,
desktops, mobile devices and room systems in one real-time communications applications
morale, engagement and bottom line of the business. Kandy comes with an ecosystem of proven
video meeting, has an-nounced a U.S. distribution to System Integrators (SIs), Value Added
There is literally an endless runway for us to grow with marketplace partners that help CSPs deliver
agreement with Ingram Micro Inc., extending the Resellers (VARs) and Managed Service
our part-ner community.” continued innovation.
The Ingram Micro distribution agreement follows theKanenyouTnackeemaenwtaofyBslu:eJeans’re-centlyexpanded chanlneNlporwogSraymstefmorIpnatretgnreartsotrhsa,tVianlculuedAedBdluedeJeans in tRhesirelulenrifis eadndcoMmamnuagneicdatSieornvsicsoeluPtriovnisdaenrsd help
can leverage the Kandy Communications customers migrate from legacy conferencing solu-tions
relation-ship after successfully selling together in Providers (MSPs) that are being deployed by
Asia PlaecaifidcinagndCoEmMmEAunfoicrathioenpsaSsteyrevaicr.eThPreodveidael rs willall(oCwSaPsc)o.mKparnedhyenaslliovewnsecthwaonrnkeolfpUa.rSt.ncehrasntnoel partnecrasptoitabluiziledomnetehtienrgaspoidlultyiognrsowfoirnagnCyPbuaasiSnessfor a measmuraarbkleta, nwdhsicehcuIrDe Cincerxepaesectisntporhoidtu$c1ti1vibtyillainodn
by 2022, and the embedded communications collaboration.
market with next-generation API-based Under the expanded agreement Ingram Micro
Platform as a Service in the same manner as to BlueJeans’ modern cloud platform. The program
capabilities. The cloud-based Kandy
channel partners in Asia and now also in the U.S. have
leading service providers such as KPN.
offers additional benefits and incentives to partners
platform enables the integration of voice, access to BlueJeans Meetings, BlueJeans Rooms and
l Kandy is a leading cloud-based CPaaS who invest in the skills and certifications required
video, messaging, chat, presence and BlueJeans Events solutions. The meetings platform for
platform that enables the integration of to deliver successful customer outcomes. Since voice, video, messaging, chat, presence
collaboration into any app, service, web
the modern workplace eliminates all friction be-tween
the program was instituted, channel partners have and collaboration into app, service, web
site or business process via APIs, Software employees, partners and customers who work together.
increased pipeline deals with impressive growth among site or business process via Application
Development Kits (SDKs) and pre-
large enterprise, finance and education customers. Programming Interfaces (APIs), Software
“BlueJeans is a cloud-native meetings platform and a developed, turnkey applications.
BlueJeans partners, including Dolby Laboratories, Development Kits (SDKs) and pre-
natural fit within our growing unified communications “Forward-thinking service providers like
Facebook, Kaptivo, Polycom, Mi-crosoft and developed, turnkey applications.
and collaboration portfolio,” said Jeff Yelton, Executive KPN, The Netherlands’ leading telecom
Voicera, help create a unified experience across all l The Kandy cloud platform enables VARs
Di-rector, Ingram Micro. “Demand for intelligent company, are already using Kandy’s RTC
enterprise endpoints inside and outside the office and MSPs to offer disruptive RTC solutions
whailnedbucirledaitnegninewnorveavteivneuaepsptlriecatmiosn.sforthework- placel. FKoranMdiycroffsoeftrscVuAstRoms aenrsd, mMeSePtisnlgoswaroeranlso- remcaordkeabaplypslimcaptiloenwsithathtealBloluwe-tJheeamnstGoafltewxiabyly foreMxtiecnrodsoanftdTedaiffmesrepnrotivaitdeinthgeoinr eo-fftoeuricnhgms weeitihng
customizable embedded digital solutions and native calendar-ing on any room system. In
workplaces is building among busi-nesses of all sizes, apps for their new API Store, and now
andweo’ruerecxhcaitnednetlopeaxrttenedrsoucranreleavtieornasgheipthweisteh BlueJesaanms aencdapexa-bpialintidesotuor eUx.tSe.npdoratnfodlioentohaincleude BlueJetahne’siornoeff-etoriuncghs,v”idsaeiod,aPuadtrioicaknJdogwgebrscto,nCfheri-ef
Marketing Officer for Ribbon. “With Kandy, encing solutions.”
Ribbon’s partners can take advantage of low BlueJeans also announced that channel industry
or no-code applications, which offer some executive, Barry Ruditsky, joined the company as
that solve common communications
addition, BlueJeans now includes Microsoft Office 365
of the industry’s most advanced cloud-based SVP, Global Channels. Ruditsky spent nearly 11 years
problems faced by large enterprises, contact scheduling, which provides one-touch calendar and
CPaaS technology.
at EMC where he managed indirect sales including
centers and other market segments.
meeting entry from Mac, Win-dows and Outlook Web
This technology allows Ribbon partners OEM, resellers and channel partners with a global sales
To learn more, visit Access. n
to extend and differentiate their offerings n
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