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Congregation Kol Ami September 2017 Calendar
7:30 PM
it is through asking you to nd others to join our
The Prez Sez
Coffee Talk with Larry
Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday, February 4, 10:30 a.m.–noon.
31 1 2 Please come and meet the new president of
Shabbat Service, Torah Study, 9:00 AM CKA. Discuss your vis7i:3o0nPMfor our temSphalbebat Morning
and congregation, and have a chance for a personal Q & A session. Co ee and bagels will be provided.
This event will replace the half yearly meeting.
Education Committee Shabbat Service, Torah Study, 9:00 AM
Service, 10:00 AM
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a good holiday
s2e7ason. I must adm28it, I’m really en2j9oying this pr3es0ident
thing a lot more than I thought I would (and not just
Meet & Greet with Amy Schoppert, 10:00 AM
Have a great school year!
because I get to wield a gavel). Although we always
Committee Collaboration,
need more money and more congregants, we are in
12:00 PM
good shape. For those who haven’t kept track, we are
also in the midst of Rabbi Dunsker’s 10th year with CKA, and we have o cially dubbed it “The Decade of Dunsker.” We are fortunate to have her; she brings so much to us and to our community.
meeting, 6:30 PM
Tot Shabbat, 9:00 AM
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Why is she here? It’s because we had a vision (not
already checking us out. Although this probably won’t
Religious School starts, Board meeting, 7:15 Mah Jong & Bridge, KAWRJ Ladies Night Volunteer Appreciation Torah Study, 9:00 AM
literally – well, maybe some of us saw things and
get you anything in the sense of a decrease in dues,
10:00 AM PM 1:30 PM Parent meeting, 10:30 AM
Out, details TBD. Shabbat, followed by Shabbat Morning
you and the congregatiodninnegr,e6t:00soPMmethingSetrhvicreo, 1u0:g00hAMthe
heard voices). We realized we needed leadership and a
S’lichot study and
KAWRJ Walk & Lunch,
expansion of our base and the greater likelihood that
common voice to bring us together. We recognized that
10:00 AM
services, 7:00 PM
a building wouldn’t inspire us and bring us together so
we will ourish so we can serve generations to come.
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
we could grow and move to a higher level. And because
Let’s celebrate “The Decade of Dunsker” by honoring
Religious School, Hadassah study group, Rosh Hashahah Day 1, Rosh Hashanah Day 2, Torah Study, 9:00 AM we made relationships with others as our priority, we
10:00 AM 10:00 AM our vi1s0i:o00nAMto continue t1o0:00mAaMke CKA tShheabbcaot Mrnorenirngstone Hadassah book club, Erev Rosh Hashanah, Family Service, 3:00 PM Shabbat Service, 7:30 Service, 10:00 AM
were eventually able to bring our people and our money
10:30 AM 7:30 PM together to build our synagogue.
W24here do we go f2ro5m here? Wha2t6is my vision2?7What would I like to accomplish?
of Jewish life in Southwest Washington. Thank you
(secular) year!
10:00 AM Bank, 5:30 PM 1:30 PM
29 30
ReligiousSchool, ClarkCountyFood MahJong&BridgeS,incerely,
KolNidre,7:30PM YomKippur,10:00AM Adult study, 1:30 PM
OYatmhimerNotrhaiamn working to improve e ciencies andKAsWeeRiJnbogard meeting,
Family service, 3:30PM Mincha, 4:30 PM Yizkor, 6:00 PM N’eilah, 6:45 PM Havdalah & Break-the-
Memorial Service at 7:00 PM that things run smoothly so we can seek to avoid major
Larry H
cemetery, 1:15 PM
problems, I’d like to see our congregation continue to
grow. Adding 10 new families at the congregational
dues level would solve a lot of our budgetary stress.
Our membership has only grown slightly over the last
fast, 7:15 PM
Hadassah Handy Works,
Shabbat Morning
7:00 PM Service, 10:00 AM
congregation, or simply engage with those who are
Taschlich at Klineline PM
in advPaondc, e4:3f0oPrM your participation, and have a great
few years, and I would like to see us become more
S’lichot Study & Services will include the movie,
energized and engaged in our community. I think this
“Smoke Signals!”
will inspire more people to hear about us and want to
Join us on Saturday, September 16th at 7:00 PM.
be a part of what we are doing. I think people want to be inspired and feel that we are doing something for them, their family, and their community.
Congrega on Kol Ami Board Members & Sta
We have an incredible home and a rabbi who is well
President: Robin Hayden, 360-335-8951,
known and well respected in our community. People
VP: Larry Holzman, 360-921-5818,
don’t join congregations because of the president...or
Secretary: Wendy Conway, 971-998-7494, bTureialsdurienr:gB.raTdhAbeeysojno,i3n60b-5e76c-a40u5s5e, troeafsuthreer@rjeawbisbhiv,anacnoudvebruesca.aourgse
of the welcome they receive from the congregation.
Trustee: Rebecca Khalil, 360-904-9405,
Trustee: Brent Johnson, 270-929-4544,
We need to harness that, market it, and educate our
Trustee: DJ Moody, 360-931-7000,
generation that they owe it to themselves and the
Trustee: Kevin Segal, 503-890-0789,
community to be involved (and to join). During one
Trustee: Joel Rubin,
of my high holy day speeches, I repeated a quote from
Rabbi: Elizabeth Dunkser,
Deuteronomy, “A community is too heavy to carry
Educ Dir: Amy Schoppert,
alone.” Each of us doing something eases the load for
Admin: Sam Clarno, eAvccetrMygor:neDi.ana Knowles,
Phone: 360-896-8088
As president, my role is to protect what we have as weVllisiat tshetCoongruegrat uorneKoiltAsmgi wroebwsitehatfwowrwf.juewtuishrveangcoeunverruasat.iorgns.
Congrega onal O ce: 7800 NE 119th Street, Vancouver, WA 98662
Sometimes this comes through as asking for money
Find us on Facebook!
or time – contributions of some sort. Other times,
Congrega on Kol Ami
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Tevet / Shevat 5778uJanuary 2018