Page 5 - KAWRJ January 2018
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But even more than the funds you donate, your willingness to offer your time really does make a di erence. As a sisterhood we have spent time making food for Winter Hospitality Over ow (a program that helps the homeless with shelter and food during the winter), picking vegetables and repacking food for the food bank, lifting drywall to construct homes, making phone calls and composing letters to our representatives, and helping those in our congregation who are in need. Your commitment to having a Jewish presence here in Vancouver, and all the countless other ways you reach out to mend our world have a lasting, positive e ect.
During these times where race, gender, socioeconomic status, and political issues seem to be dividing us, I pray that we will  nd a way to rise above and join together to make real changes. Through our commitment, we shall overcome.
Carol S
KAWRJ Mitzvah Day
Sunday, January 14, 10:00 a.m. – noon
Please join us for a mi vah day in the CKA kitchen in honor of MLK Day. We’ll be cooking meals for WHO (Winter Hospitality Over ow) in the morning, and baking Hamentaschen in the afternoon. Come for whichever shift appeals to you. We’ll have good company, co ee, snacks, and a fun time making some much appreciated home-cooked meals and baked goods.
Upcoming KAWRJ Events
“The Whys of Shabbat,” KAWRJ-led service
February 9, 7:30 p.m.
“Wisdom of our Mothers,” Sunday Social
Men are invited to join us – they have mothers too!
February 11, 10:00 a.m.
Ladies’ Tea at Sweet Pea Tea Room, Battleground
February 24, 1:00 p.m.
Ladies’ Night In, Sue M’s home
March 14, 6:30 p.m.
Sisterhood Retreat at Camp Kalsman
March 23–25
One Book, One Read
Sunday, April 22
Discuss Waking Lions, by Ayelet t
It’s time to start thinking about Hamentaschen. Every year, KAWRJ bakes more than 100 dozen cookies (yes, more than 1200!). They are served at the Purim Spiel oneg, and are also available for purchase at $7.25/dozen.
KAWRJ will be baking Hamentaschen on Sunday, January 14, from noon – 3:00 p.m., and again on Sunday, February 11 (time TBD). If you are interested, contact
To order cookies, complete the paper (see page 6) or online order form ( Leave your orders by the gift shop in the Hamentaschen cookie tin or in the KAWRJ mailbox in the CKA o ce.
KAWRJ Board 2017—2018
President................................................................................Carol S Co-VP of Membership............................... Allison W & Jeanne F Recording Secretary ........................................................... Diane A Corresponding Secretary .................................................... Enid B Treasurer ...............................................................................Ann T-J VP of Volunteer Recruitment....................................... Melinda H VP Information Coordinator ............................................Teresa L Past President .................................................................. Deawn H
Contact us at
“Kehillat Olam” is the of cial cemetery
of Congregation Kol Ami
Besides offering at-need services, Northwood Park offers a full line of pre-arrangement plans for both cemetery and funerals. Call today for one of our counselors to answer all of your questions. We have prices and programs to  t each individual need.
We are conveniently located near I-5, across from the Clark County Fair Grounds
16407 NE 15th Avenue, Ridge eld q 360-574-4252 q Locally owned and operated
Congregation Kol Ami
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