Page 7 - KAWRJ January 2018
P. 7
Enjoy fresh baked Hamentaschen
for Purim, baked by KAWRJ
Purim is 2/28. Order by Wed. 2/25
Order online at or use this form
Tikkun Platoon
“It is not what one says but rather what one does that makes all the di erence in the world.” - Pirkei Avot 1:17
Congregational life and all of Jewish tradition should ensure that we need not face any situation or problem alone. At CKA we are a family of families, and we believe it is important to respond to the needs of our neighbors in times of change, crisis, or hardship. To respond to these needs we have the Tikkun Platoon, our congregational caring commi ee. We arrange meals, visit to members who are ill, arrange transportation to medical appointments or to worship services, helps with childcare, make phone calls, and send cards o ering support and condolences. What you may not know is that YOU are a part of this commi ee (along with two organizers). If you see our “call to action” emails please help if you can. If you are not receiving theses emails please let us know and we’ll put you on the list. And if you are in need of our support or know of someone who could use a helping hand please contact us: Enid B or Deawn H.
Gluten Free (# Dozen)
Regular (# Dozen)
A. Apricot
B. Berry
C. Prune
D. Poppy seed
E. Chocolate
F. Nutella
Tasty Purim Package:
We’ll ship package of 2 dozen cookies
oCashoCheckoCreditoPay at pickup
Hamentaschen will be sold at Purim events on an as-available basis for $8 per dozen.
Name___________________ Phone _________________
Email ___________________________________________
When would you like to pick up your order? oWednesday, February 28 (Purim Shpiel)
oThursday, March 1 (Hebrew school)
oFriday, March 2 (before Shabbat service)
oOther ___________________________________
Tasty Purim Package $28
Includes 2 dozen + card with your name, shipped anywhere in the continental U.S. Indicate avors:oAoBoCoDoE
Ship to name _____________________________________ Address _________________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________________________ oAdditional names on separate sheet
Make checks payable to Kol Ami Women of Reform Judaism (KAWRJ). Drop in KAWRJ mailbox in the of ce, or mail to KAWRJ, 7800 NE 119th Street, Vancouver, WA 98662
Or email copy of order form with credit card information
oVisaoMC Card # ______________________________ Expiration _______ / _______ CV2 _________
Address _________________________________________ City/State ____________________ Zip code ____________ Phone # ___________________________ (required for cc)
Questions? or call Sue Meyer
Congregation Kol Ami
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