Page 6 - KAWRJ January 2018
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Social Action ACTION WHO
Thanks to everyone who joined our team, Kol Ami and Friends, to host at Winter Hospitality Over ow (WHO).
CKA Men’s Club
Breakfast at Cameo Café Sunday January 28, 10:00 a.m.,
7703 NE 72nd Avenue, Vancouver 98661
Join us for breakfast, food and friendship. We need a minimum of 12 to reserve the private room. Please RSVP to Julian for this no host breakfast. Drop the kids at religious school, then head south on 72nd Avenue; it’s a  ve minute drive, and we’ll be done in time to pick the kids up at the end of school.
Latke Fest
The Men’s Club came forward again to produce delicious latkes. The candle lighting and potluck were very well a ended, a good time being had by all. We collected a total of $76 for Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger.
We owe our thanks to these volunteers who stepped up to make our yummy latkes:
Special thanks go to Art McCallum, who donated all the ingredients for our latkes.
@ Bob L
@ Ed F
@ Irwin M @ John K @ Julian L @ Mark R
@ Perry H @ Phil H @ Todd B @ Tom L @ Julian L
Everyone seems to have had fun working on the crew and tasting the latkes as they came o  the hot griddle. We did miss some of our regular guys who were unable to a end this year. We hope to see you all next year.
Finally, thank you to Sam C for all the organizing and pu ing up with myriad requests and questions to make this event so successful.
@ Ann B
@ Julie B
@ Paul and Marcialee G
@ Elaine G
@ Lee G
@ Doug G
@ Deawn, Deni, Zach, and
Asher H
@ Sco  H
@ Carl K
@ Jack L
@ Sue M
@ Ben M
@ Joel R
@ Vicki S
@ Josh T and Hudson T-T,
along with two friends @ Allison and Jackie W
@ Jerry M and family (FCC
@ Jacquie M (friend)
@ Lori and Amber P (CKA
@ Alice R (FCC friend)
@ Richard T (FCC friend)
Thanks also go to everyone who donated items for WHO such as cereal, creamer, hot chocolate mix, cleaning supplies, throat lozenges, new socks and underwear, clothing (including men’s belts); and dinners for the 24 guests by Chef Jacquie, Sue M, Deawn H, and CKA’s Moo Shu Shabbat.
We’ll host again March 18–24 with First Congregational Church (FCC). KAWRJ is preparing some entrees for that week. How will you help strengthen Team Kol Ami and Friends? We need help from more people: please check out the shifts on our SignUp at go/DGRC5c or contact
It’s hard to believe, but Purim is just two months away. That means time for mishloach manot, carnival, spiel, and groggers. At CKA we use kitchen utensils as noisemakers, then leave them as a donation to the Community Warehouse (CW) in our annual Pots for Purim collection.
What’s the Community Warehouse?
You’ve likely heard of a food bank.
CW’s furniture bank mission is similar,
except they focus on household
goods and furnishings. Last year they provided 3269 ma resses, 997 dining tables, 3820 pillows, 5904 dish sets, and so much more.
Annually, CKA and other temples in the Portland area are major in-kind contributors of kitchenware. These are distributed to people moving into their  rst homes.
To see the vast number of agencies within Portland and SW Washington whose clients may draw from the Community Warehouse furniture bank, go to h ps://
CKA’s annual Pots for Purim at the Purim Spiel (this year, Wednesday, February 28) makes a big noise AND a big di erence in peoples’ lives. If you don’t bring a set to donate, the Social Action Commi ee makes it easy to purchase a noisy-pot set at the door for a $15 receipted donation.
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Tevet / Shevat 5778uJanuary 2018

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