Page 15 - November December 2018
P. 15

Collaboration: Connecting customers to
Vendor Evaluation: ‘How’ Matters
partners will be very easy with simple tools
Telecom Reseller 15 SJust As Much As What Is Delivered
 November/December 2018
for finding the right partner. Collaboration within the community will also be kept simpl
earch for famous sayings about laws COLWELL controls. Each of these traits is a leading indicator Inventory Accuracy or
   e, through the use of social technologies rated with some of Vonage’s own
Ask the Telecom Pro
unication bots.
oint Solutions help optimize and connect
- December 2018
stomer interactions for businesses nclude some of the largest logistics
 anieQs in EMEA. Nexmo APIs have enabled : How does a German Works
build Voice Bots into our offerings that
Council affect technology
creasing customer satisfaction and
ving efficiencies for our customers,” ndyAGriffin, Founder and CEO, tPoint
: A works council in Germany
ions. “The value we get is simple,
is an employee elected body
ng with Nexmo and other partners
that represents the interests
the Nexmo Connect program, we’re
of employees in business. A
g innovative new services to market
unique right of a works council andrewgaer’rdeinimg sporocviainl mg athtteebrsu,ssinuecshses of stoams ecrosm.”pLaenayrncomdoeroefacboonudtuNctexmo
ectrautlewswawn.dntehxeminot.crodmu.ctionand application of technology, is called
T VcOoNmApGrEehensive codetermination. This means that an employer
e (NYSE:VG) is redefining business
cannot implement certain social
unications. True to our roots as a
measures without previous
ology disruptor, we’ve embraced
agreement from the works council.
ology to transform how companies
Technology policy is considered a
unicate to create better business
social matter, so the works council
mes. Our unique cloud communications
must agree to the provisions of the
rm brings together a robust unified
policy before it is implemented.
unications solution with the agility
Failure to secure agreement can
bedded, contextual communications
result in costly arbitration for the
hrough Nexmo, The Vonage API
employer and workers frequently
rm. This powerful combination enables
have advantage over employers in
esses to collaborate more productively
arbitration cases.
ngage their customers more effectively s mQessaging, chat, social media, video
: What is the difference
oice. [1] IDC, Worldwide Voice and
between Tier 1, 2 and 3
essaging Communications Platform-
telecom carriers?
SerAvice Forecast, 2018–2022, IDC 380541:8,TMraadyit2io0n1a8llny, tiers have
been used to define network
services infrastructure ownership:
Tier 1 carriers own network
eJeans Channel
services infrastructure, Tier 2
carriers own part of the network gsrearvmicesCinforasntrtucitnurueaendsletasoe
w with Ingram Micro
part from Tier 1 carriers, and
Tier 3 carriers lease and resell network services infrastructure.
tribution and New
The meaning of the tier terms rpcoanrvarty,ethoLugeha. Sdomeerusehip tiers to differentiate network
attributes, such as reliability and
ngs Platform Available to Ingram Micro’s U.S.
traffic priority, with Tier 1 being
rs; Industry Channel Vet-eran Joins BlueJeans t
the highest and Tier 3 being the
ext Phase of Partner Growth
lowest. To avoid confusion, it’s
UNTAIN VIEW, CA - Blue Jeans Network,
best practice to confirm the scope
reator of the first cloud service to connect
of meaning in context with each
ps, mobile devices and room systems in one
meeting, has an-nounced a U.S. distribution
comm “tP
the cu that i comp us to are in impro said A Solut worki within gettin faster our cu Conn
Vonag comm techn techn comm outco platfo comm of em APIs t Platfo busin and e acros and v Text M as-a- #US4
Blu Pro Gro Dis Co
Meeti Partne Lead N
MO Inc., c
agreement with Ingram Micro Inc., extending the
SHand Me the Truth
will allow a comprehensive network of U.S. channel
Channel Partner Program
partners to build meeting solutions for any business for a measurable and secure increase in productivity and
to Accelerate Growth of
Teridion’s Cloud-Based
Under the expanded agreement Ingram Micro channel partners in Asia and now also in the U.S. have
is required.
offers additional benefits and incentives to partners
WAN Service for Enterprises
“We are excited to partner with Teridion who invest in the skills and certifications required
access to BlueJeans Meetings, BlueJeans Rooms and
BlueJeanns EdveSnDts s-oWlutiAonNs. ThIne tmeegtirnagstpeladtform for
as they release their cloud-based WAN
to deliver successful customer outcomes. Since
the modern workplace eliminates all friction be-tween
service,” said Clark Atwood, President
the program was instituted, channel partners have
of Concierge Core Services. “Together
increased pipeline deals with impressive growth among
employees, partners and customers who work together.
our technology capabilities transform
large enterprise, finance and education customers.
“BlueJeans is a cloud-native meetings platform and a
our customers’ businesses, lowering costs BlueJeans partners, including Dolby Laboratories,
natural fit within our growing unified communications
...continued from page 10
while increasing efficiency and reliability. Facebook, Kaptivo, Polycom, Mi-crosoft and
and collaboration portfolio,” said Jeff Yelton, Executive
Teridion for Enterprise maximizes
Voicera, help create a unified experience across all
Di-rector, Ingram Micro. “Demand for intelligent performance and reliability of legacy WAN
application performance, site-to-site network
workplaces is building among busi-nesses of all sizes, technologies such as MPLS with the agility,
enterprise endpoints inside and outside the office performance, and solves the challenges
and we’re excited to extend our relationship with elastic scale, and global reach of the public
while building innovative applications for the work- companies have with an Internet-based
BlueJeans and ex-pand our U.S. portfolio to include cloud.
place. For Microsoft customers, meetings are also network. It solves problems that stand-alone
BlueJean’s one-touch video, audio and web confer- Today, channel customers are moving
remarkably simple with the Blue-Jeans Gateway VPN and MPLS network solutions can’t. This
encing solutions.”
business critical applications to the cloud,
for Microsoft Teams providing one-touch meeting product is a game changer.”
BlueJeans also announced that channel industry and re-architecting their WANs away from
SVP, GgleonbearlaCtiohnanSnDe-lsW. RAuNd.itHskoywsepvenr,t inecaornlysi1st1eynetars at EMpCewrfohremreahnecemoafntahgeepduibnldicirIenctesranlets pinreclvuednitnsg OEM,trhesmellferosmanfdulclyharneanleizlipnagrtnherbsewnietfihtas ogflotbhaisl sales
migration. Now with Teridion for Enterprise
and native calendar-ing on any room system. In Targeting SD-WAN and Networking
addVitailoune,ABdludeJdeaRnessnelolewrsinacnldudMesasMteircrAogseonfttsO, ffice 365 schtehdeuTlienrgid, iwohnicfohrpErnotveirdpersisoenCe-htoanunchelcPaalerntndearr and mePetriongraemntrpyrofrvoimdesMoapcp,oWrtiunn-idtioews sfoarnpdaOrtnutelrosok Web Acctoesos.ffner a cloud-based WAN service in
conjunction with their existing suite of SD-
and sausage and you’ll find variants of of results. Consider that mature processes yield this quote attributed to American poet predictable results. Highly automated processes John Godfrey Saxe: “Laws, like sausages, by Timothy C. Colwell, SVP reduce human-induced error, and thorough
cease to inspire respect in proportion as we know Efficiency First® Adoption – process controls mitigate unnecessary business risk.
how they are made.” The humor of the quip is AOTMP ( So, understanding how results are delivered enables
elevated the more I think about it. I love a great COLWELL customers to evaluate factors that drive optimal ervice and asset inventory is the in inventory, point-in-time accuracy can be
  sausage, but don’t really don’t care to understand its results. Some managed services vendors go so far results and identify risk factors that hinder results. keystone of all telecom, mobility achieved.
pre-grill genesis story. as to say their processes are proprietary, to shield When drafting laws and making sausage, there and IT management practices and Single source of truth for a telecom,
Telecom, mobility and IT vendors often use a customers from inspecting the back-office details. are established controls designed to protect the inventory accuracy is the attribute that by Timothy C. Colwell, SVP mobility and IT service and asset inventory
version of the sausage quote to inform customers Focusing on vendor results as opposed to integrity of the end product. Controls should also separates the good from the bad when Efficiency First® Adoption – means data is always accurate and serves
that they should not be concerned with how a considering its contribution to technical,
how results are generated seems reasonable
be applied by businesses consuming solutions from the role of the trusted source of technology
vendors. Don’t judge a vendor on promised results environment data for the business.
alone.InUvnednetorsrtyanbdechomwevsetnhdeosrisndgelelivseorurecseuoltfsttrouth makewthenmvoasltiidnaftoiromn epdradcetciciseisonthwathiencoevrpalourattieng vendoarns etovesractihsafyngyoinugr sbeutsoinfebsussrienqeusisr,evmenendtosr. n
and technology knowns and unknowns are applied in real-time.
solution is delivered; rather, customers should financial and operational workstreams.
focus oWnhtahtedroeseusltasc.cIunrtahceyoreya, tllhyismmeakne, sthseonusgeh. , Let theanvdenhdowrsiesxacecluartawcyhabtetihnegyrdeodeafinndejdudagse them oansitnhgeleresouultrsc,enotf thruetphragcutidceinsgthcaetnytierldofthe
excellence performance? In homage to
the dueling titles of the classic Rocky and
Bullwinkle cartoons, let’s explore what a
on the surface, but the reality is that the ‘how’ underpinning the results significantly influences the quaIlintyveonftourtycoismaecso. Ullencdtieornstaonfdsienrgvitcheea‘hnodw’ shedsalisgshet odnetpairloscaessemabtluerditfyr,oamutovmaraitoiuons saonudrces
and validated against a set of known logical
and physical parameters. Vendor invoices,
contracts, network diagrams, location
This affords technology management practitioners and leaders with the highest
Ask the Telecom Pro
directories, employee rosters, and business
duplicate records, detail records, and
single source of truth means for enterprises
Bureau. FEMA administers the Integrated
: Carriers may charge administrative
seeking to leverage the telecom, mobility and IT technology estate as a strategic business
unit details are some of the common
level of confidence in inventory data, which
- October 2018
Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS),
fees for several things including
rules that use knowns to clarify unknowns
Q– based on Teridion’s market proven public cloud-based network that powers the networks
WAN solutions, better addressing the needs
as a valuable addition to SD-WAN that delivers
: Who is responsible for Wireless
of their business and enterprise customers.
fast and reliable cloud and site-to-site access,
of high-performance SaaS apps such as Box,
Teridion is committed to a channel first model
enabling them to bundle services for additional
Emergency Alerts (WEA) in the
WEA messages through participating
agreement and negotiate custom
Atlassian, Egnyte and many others – channel
for this global program, which offers deal
revenue opportunities. Channel partners can
United States?
wireless carriers to user devices
terms for administrative charges. If the
partners can offer their customers accelerated and highly reliable connectivity to SaaS
registration, lead sharing, training programs,
also integrate Teridion for Enterprise with
governed by the Federal Emergency A
and marketing funds for qualified participants. Teridion for Enterprise provides a
their customers’ existing branch office WAN
: Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) are
without negotiated terms, engage your
applications, public cloud workloads, and
call detail records. Is this standard Q
gateways as a standalone service for SMBs and
between sites through a low-cost standard
differentiated offering for resellers and master
enterprises which need to improve their site-to-
Management Agency (FEMA) within the
waiver or reduced ‘good customer’ rate
Internet connection.
agents that already have an SD-WAN practice.
site WAN performance, but lack the budget to
Public Safety and Homeland Security
on an as-needed basis.
“Teridion’s innovative cloud WAN service addresses multiple trends in networking
today – WAN re-architecture, SaaS application acceleration, and multi-cloud access – in a simple, easy-to-use service offering,” said
Nick Prosser, co-founder of Wanify, a leading
orgSaDni-zWatAioNn.sMoloustitornecpernotvlyi,dReru.d“WitskityhwTearsipdaiornt of the
for Enterprise, Wanify can offer our customers executive team at Actiance, Inc. where he developed
It is complementary and additive to SD-WAN deployments, and can snap-in to SD-WAN implementations from all major vendors for fast and simple deployment. Teridion channel partners can position Teridion for Enterprise
invest in branch hardware replacements.
a complete WAN service. Customers can
ISV and OEM relationships with IBM and built and
now have circuit-grade Internet performance launched a global VAR program that helped lead to
without the complexity and cost of MPLS, and
a successful sale to K1 Investment Man-agement in
SaaS and cloud application acceleration all in
late 2017. Ruditsky will lead an international team of
one service. We look forward to offering the BlueJeans team members and partners to continue
service to our customers and prospects as it
the growth and expansion of its channel business and
inventory data sources. By applying business
leads to more informed business decisions. n
which is a public safety system connected
with participating wireless carriers.
different media types. Charges vary by carrier and situation.
Organizations such as county, city, state
 and federal public safety agencies can
A best practice is to understand each
register to be an alerting authority in
carriers’ rate card for administrative
IPAWS, and this allows them to broadcast
charges prior to entering into a business
supporting WEA.
business relationship is established
: My carrier charges to provide
account management team and seek a
To readfurther visit
 relation-ship after successfully selling together in
There is literally an endless runway for us to grow with consistent with MPLS. Teridion provides
oursnpaprt--ineirncteogmramtiounitoy.”existing SD-WAN ThdepelIonygmraemntsMfricormo dalilstmriabjuotriovnenadgoreres,minecnltufdoilnlogws theCainsncouMnecreamkie,nCtiotrfiBxlaunedJeSainlvs’ereP-ceeankt.lSyinexcpeaitnidsed chantnreulepcrlogurdamserfvoircpe,acratnpearcsittyhiastninoctlfiuxdedBalunedJeans
in theriorugnhipfiuetdscoamlesmounn-diceamtioands .soThluetrioenis zaenrdo help
capital expense, customers pay only for what customers migrate from legacy conferencing solu-tions
they use, and no Teridion hardware or software to BlueJeans’ modern cloud platform. The program
Teridion Launches
Asia Pacific and EMEA for the past year. The deal
today, channel partners can sell Teridion
as we continue to work alongside the industry’s best
checks all the boxes.” revenue.
Built for the channel and launched
“There is a terrific market opportunity for BlueJeans
for Enterprise as a stand-alone solution or
partners, including Ingram Micro,” said Ruditsky. integrated with channel partners’ SD-WAN
“Enterprise companies in every market segment offerings to broaden their suite of capabilities,
are fully aware of the impact that meeting and all while extending SD-WAN’s functionalities
collaboration solutions like BlueJeans have on the beyond the first mile and adding end-to-end
morale, engagement and bottom line of the business. SLA-backed performance and reliability
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