Page 3 - Telecom Reseller February-March 2019
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FSeberputaermy/bMera/Orccht2o0b1e9r 2018
TTeeleleccoommRReesseelllelerr 33
Tracy Titus – Tracy Titus –
Assistant Editor
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Assistant Editor
newspaper. newspaper.
Amy Ralls – Amy Ralls –
NaEttWachSmDenEtsPinAMRicTroMsoEftNWTord format to jeffowen@ EEdditiotor r&&PPuubblislihsherer GGrarpaphhicicDDeseisgignn Pltealesecoem-mreasileallretri.cloemsa.nSdugpgressteredleleansgetshais250-300 DDoouugglalsasGGrerenen–– RRaaspspbbeerryryJJaamPPublliishiing–
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TShould you replace telephony with chatbots?
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providing greater competition. Remote VoIP
attenuates more as it passes through objects
applications to other devices will also allow customer needs. Here are just a few examples technology powered by 5G will also enhance for greater integration to the enterprise while
and penetrates buildings resulting in weaker
signals inside.
of the mahneywbaeynwefietcso5mGmwuinllicpartoevwiditehtour offerings to customers, even after business rerceomvoertey. HWoisttheda tceolempbhionnaytisoenrvoifcehsigahrervisapeed quickTeostawmapyltiofycsoimgnmaluwnihcearte;vtehreitavisernaegedpeedr,son
et4hGerLnTetEininteprnaerat lolerlawciothnvheirghedspfieberde b/ rhoiagdhband typ5eGs 3w8i-l4l 0neweodrdmsoarme ainutetenncoams apnadrecdetllos1ig2n5-a1l 75 l Heatlhthecyaeraers-,5eGvowlvilnlginfrcoremaslethteraslthocpahroene l Retail - The transmission of data goes secravpiacec,ituysiwnigrethleessa5mGetwheireingtearspyroisuercbaunsibneesasn’ wobrodos sptersm. Winuhtielewbhaernritearlsktiongc.ell signal exist,
businessecsu:stomers has changed dramatically over hours.
pcraolvlsidtoeresm’ eaffiilcainendcnieoswthwreobusgithe fliavsetecrhats. There’s hand in hand with the retail experience datlla“noevtewr-otrhke.-air” environment. Itc’selelsbseonotsitaelrthteact,hwnhoelongiyt cwoimll ebsetcoritical to the
Natasha Bougourd, Lead Applications Writer at TSG
trnaonsgmettisinsigoanwoafylafrogme ptahteiefnacttfitlheast, tyhoeu need a today, and customers demand a network HoAstefidrstte,leitpmhoanyysseeems alitkreadcietlilosniaglnmalebthoodstoefr comsumccuenssicoaftiaonymnethwoodrskf,orregcuarsdtolemsserosf, latency
exwpaaynfsoirocnuostfotmelemrsetodiqcuinicek,laynadntdheapsiolytecnotniatlact foyroute,cbhuntowloitghiessosmucahnyasmaerthifiocdisaal vinaitlealblilgee, nwcheich (AshIo).uThld iysowu icllhhoeolspe?enable them to meet groCwhiantgbodtesmananddo.nline live chat are considered the
mlosMt manoudfearcntucorimngm-uFnaicatotiroinesmheatvheoedvso, wlvietdh live anchdaatrceonsoiwsteintclryecaosminignlygeuqputirpupmedpswinithsurveys. smOavretrtheaclhfnooflcougsiteosm,seurschwaosuildnvpernetfeorytochatto maopneirtsoorninign, rweahli-cthimdemonalnindeaovheigr ha-psphoeende call n(eHtwaroriks Ranesdeathrceha)b; iwlihtyatt’somconren,eitc’st thuencdhraendnse, l owr tithotuhseanhdigsh,eosft“ctuhsitnogms”
73l%F(iEncaonncsiualt-an5cGy)w.Iitl’lshseolprfionliafincctihaaltit’snow inusntiutsuutiaolntos spereovwiedbesmiteosrweiothno-udtemlivaencdhat options. serAvicceosrwdiinthg troapeixdp,esretcs,ucrheadtbatoatstraarne snfoert.oAnIly the
next step up from live chat but are the future of
cotemchmnuonloicgaytiownillbprolauyghatsimntaolltehrer2o1lestincetnhteury wiinthducslotruydahso5sGtinrga,mpaskuinpg, bitumt tohre eospspenotsiatel than evisert.rNueo.t only does telephony communication provInidoercduesrtotmo persowviidthe the oppropmoritsuenoitfy5tGo hsapveerdeaal-ntdimpe,rtfworom-waanycec,onmemtwuonrikcsatwioinll, it also pnroeveidehsigahpeerrsdoenasbifilecaextipoenr,iemnecaenfainvogumreodreby msamnay.llcellsandinfrastructure. Forexample,
iWn thilestloliwverchFaRt1hsaps ehcitgrhucmus(t6oGmHerzsantidsfaction lelvoewlsear)ndecpulsotyomenrst aorfeCwBilRliSngsptoecbturuymfroimn atcheat3b.5oGt,Himzpbleamndesntwinilgl btheerseqsuoilruetdio.nThs is shfroeuqludenn’tcyo,mwehaicththiesmexupcehnsheigohfteerletphhanone cotomdmayu’sncicealltuiolanrs.bAanccdosr,dpirnogvtiodethseleOssfficcoeveorfage NaarteioanpaelrSstamtiasltlicse,l9l 0o%r boafsUe Kstahtoiounse. hItoaldlsohave internet access, meaning 10% still don’t; how else
buasindesspeesecda.nTh’tliemcihtathnecmessoeflvderso.Tpopemdeoertnon- conexsuismteenrtdcemll asnigdnsa, lbiunscinreassesemxpuosnt ennotioalnlyly havaes 5anGosneltisntehpersetsaegnecefo, br umt obreeatveacihlanbolelotgoiscpael ak to iontleignreawtiohnet.hWerhtehnatw’s evitahainskupapboruttagent on live chatpoprlichataitobnostss.uThcheacsohnecaerltnhacraoreunmdotnhietolartitnegr,is thasteclfh-adtrbivoitnsgarceasrtsi,lloervionlvdiunsgtrainaldetqhueirpemforeenwt,oitn’s’t beeaabslyetoaimnsawgeinrealhlocuwstaolmosesroqfuseirgiensa,lwchoiuclhdbe coudledtrliemaventhael.m frustrated.
TheWseiothnlaineincocrmeamseudnircealtiiaoncemoenthcoedllsu, lar hocwoenvnere,csthivoiutyldin’trcisokmyesiatutahteioenxsp,esnigsenaolf telepnhoanececmomenmtupnroicdauticotns.wHiollspteladytealnepehvoeny wilml aolrloewinbteugsirnaelsrsoelsetfosranveamrlyoneevyeroynitnhdisustry traodnitcioen5aGl sboeluctoimone,sthaarnekaslityo. tnhe eradication of capex costs and built-in disaster recovery. Digital
inside and outside of brick-and-mortar olovceartaiohnusm, eannabfolirnagntihminmgsedsiuacteh anssvwiretru, anl d 21% wdroeuslsdinegvernoobmuys fwrohmereoncue.stomers can try on clIot’tshcelseawrithaotubtuesvineressetsticnagnfroeoatpisnigansitfiocraen,t rfoewreaxrdasmbpyleim. plementingthesedigital-first comlmEunnteicraptriiosnetCoomls,mbutntihceaytioshno–ulThdne’tcome
aint trhoedeuxcpteionnseooff5tGhesmhoureldtrbaedtithioeneanldsolfutions. Athlel btruasdiniteisosnesalmcoupstpbeer aPvOaiTlaSbl(ePolaninthOe lpdhone fToerlecpuhstonmeesrysswtehmo)h. Tavoeduaryg’seunstequoefrVieosIPorifnor thoesenwtehroprsitsilelwpriellfebrepahsosinsetecdalwlsi.tHho5wGevsoer,many bthuastinthesesesnaterreporpiseerahtiansgfioxnedouwtidraetdedantedle5pGhony swyisrtelmess, bstailclkdheapuelnodpetniot nons fIoSrDcNondneespctitieviitys unreliability and the news that it will be retired in
WalmSaCrHtUILTZExec Joins Enterprise Connect Keynote Lineup going anywhere anytime soon. Evidence has For the uninitiated, hosted telephony is a seeing great results, telephony is still a hit with By adopting a mix of traditional and modern
customer communication. Gartner has estimated 2025. In response to the ISDN deadline, a number will those people contact you? transformation, the use of technology to improve
that 85% of customer interactions will involve of businesses are making the move to hosted We can’t ignore the fact that, whilst up-and- processes, customer experience and ultimately
chatbots by 2020, meaning the AI tool won’t be telephony. coming online communication solutions are profitability, is achievable in so many ways.
shown that, when utilised effectively, chatbots cloud-based phone solution which eliminates the customers. A Google study found that 61% of communication tools, and particularly using
r e s u l t i n a 3 0 % i n c r e a s e i n c o n v e r s i o n s t h a n o t h e r n t h e e e d c o f o m r p t e a l n e p y h ’ s o I n T e o s p y s e t r e a m t i o h n a s r . d I w n a d r u e . s t O r y n e o f i t s c o a n s s s o u c m i a e t r e s s g t e o t b i n e t t t o e u r c s h e r w v i e t h c u a s b t u o s m i n e e r s s s i v s i a p h o n e c l o a u s d s o - b c a i a s e t e d s p h h a o v n e e a s t y h s t o e m m e s , w b i u t s h i n c e o s n s s c u a mn e r e r s p o n d
c u s t o m e r s k w e a y t c b h e e n r e s fi w t s i i d s e l l o y w t e o r u c t o W s t s a l d m u a e r t t o ’ s n d o i g c i a t a p l e x a n d w e h x e a n c t t l h y e h y ’ o r e w r e t h a d e y c o t o m p p u a r n c y h a i s n e t . e A n d d d s i t t o i o k n e a e l l p y , o f o n r t o t c e u c s h t o n m o l e o r g s y q u a n i c d k e a r t a w n o d r mk w o r i e t h e ffi c o c r i e p n o t r l a y t w e h i l s t would actively choose to interact with a chatbot ntroanmsafoinrtmenaatinocne,caonsdtsmthanyksptoinbtutiolt-tihnedisaster uwrgienntiqnuge,raisesJ,oaepPhaornke, chalileifsduingditoaul bartecdhliytetchte savtiencghnmoolnoegy,rPatahrekrstahiadn. “inItc’srenaosifnagiroutgoings. n
re, 6
company’s omnichannel offering that lets / Program Co-chair, Enterprise customers order online for delivery or
and VP of associate digital experience at Walmart, shared in October 2018 at Zoom’s annual user conference Zoomtopia. “That’s how we define being people-led and tech-
comparison,” he added.
Toward that end, it’s deploying
communications tools, such as the Zoom miRtiogaotme tshseosleuftaioctnortsh,atthneointsotanllyateiolinmoinf saoteusnd patnheelincagb, sliunngsmhaodreassorthoatthecranromomakme aodsifimcpatleions mibguhstibnesnsemceesseatrinygtoagtetrrthibelemeoxspteoruietnocfeth, e UC tecbhuntoalolsgoypyrouvaidresparomviedaings.oIfndaedldiviteiroingto the phpyseircsaolnsaplaicze,dthmeecsosmagpinangytocualstusorecisahtoeus lwdhben conusiederfeodr,dpiagritiaclusliagrnlyagievepnowreemreodtebtyeldewatoar,king emhpelosyaeides. Thhavise sdoiffrteroefntthnineegdcsatnhabne l“opcraeltlyty womrkaignigcaelm,”phleoyaededse–df.or both audio and video
c o n s i d W e r a a l mt i o a n r s t . h a s l o n g b e e n c o n s i d e r e d
s y s p t e e m e r s s o a n c r c o e s i s n i s n t a d l l u e s d t r i i n e s t h c e a n o ffi b c e e n , e b fi e t f o i n r e theucnudsetrosmtaenrdoirntghietisraepmpproloaycehest.oNeomthpionwg eisring m o e r m e p f r l u o s y t e r e a s t i w n g i t t h h a t e n c fi h n n d o i l n o g g y o . u Tht a a b t ’ r s a w n d h - y n e w
c o l w l a e b ’ r o e r a e t x i c o i n t e s d p a t o c e a i n s n n o o u n n - f c u e n t c o t d i o a n y a t l h o a n t d P a a y r k o n e . A ft e r t e s t i n g i s c o m p l e t e d , c o n s i d e r a s t a g e d r o l l -
out of the UC system to a small number of users
SCHULTZ continuesonpage 4 ›› HOKE continuesonpage 7 ››
by Beth Schultz: Editor, No Jitter
H6 Steps for Successfully ow does the No. 1 Fortune 500 Efron wrote in a May 2017 piece, Walmart’s company optimize around singular focus on customer service propels
Connect pickup at a local store as a critical success factor.
UDeploying UC Systems technology? Get invaluable insight at EC19! clients creates meaning for employees. The
by Ansley Hoke, Vice President,
communications and collaboration it forward. “Adding value for customers or
workers, Park noted. Personalizing the
If you were asked to name some more people working for an organization
quintessenifitieadl Acomemriucanniccaotimonpsa(nUieCs), unanvdiegrasttinangdthheosewtethchencolmogpieasn,ybucot natrthibeuetnesd
c h a n c e s a m r e a n g u o f o a d c t u t h r e a r t s Wh a a v l me ma r a t d w e o t u r e l md b e n e d o u s p o f o t s h i t e i v d e a l y y , t t o h e c c u u s t s o t o m m e e r r s ’ s , t s h a t e i i s r f a c c o t mi o n m wu n i t i h t i t e h s e ,
mong thporosegrtehsastinpothpetolasmt dinedca. dItes, sdteovreyloping aconmd pthletewUorClde,xtpheerimenocreitshtehye aornelyenmgeaagseudre of
i s t e o c n h e n o m l o o g s y t b t h u a s t i n h e e s l p s e s s b c u a s n i n o e s n s l e y s d s t r a e y a m m o o r f e t s o u c h c e e l s p s . t Thh a t i s m s a a t m t e e r s p . r Th i n e c i f p o l l e l o a w p i p n l g i e s s t e f p o s r k e e p t h e acohnienveicntged--thmanorepvheirn. Hg ofrwoemvear,sUmCalsly, sltoecmals cfoucsutosmofedres,ptloyoi.nCgoUmCmsuysntiecmatsion tishekeyn,”dhuesers,
each generation of worker to bring its “best thselfsutorrwouonrdk”in-g-eanWviraolmnmaretngt,osaple-c-ifiiscni’tndustry n p e o e d s s s i , b o l r e r w e g i t u h l o a t u o t r a y s h s u i s r t d a l n e c s e t h f r e o y m’ l l n t e e c e h d n t o o l j o u g m y . p thThroiusginhc?lWudheisleecvuerstyotmhienrgs mfroamy sayutohneyomneoeudsa p i a n r - t s i c t o u r l a e r s p y r s o t e d m u c s t f o o r r s s e t r o v c i k c e i n , w g o s h r k e l w v e i t s h a t n h d e m t o ficnledatnhienrgigflhotosroslutotiovnidfeoor tchoenirfesrpeenccifiincgindustry a s n y d s t w e mo r s k t c h u a l t t u s r e e r . v e a d u a l p u r p o s e a s d i g i t a l
s A i g n n a a l g y e z e , w t h i t e h e n p v l e i r n o t n y m o f e n d t a : t Tha a e n o a ffi l y t c i e c s s t a r u n c d t u r e i s o j t u h s e t r a t s o i o m l s p i o n r t t a h n e t m a s i t x h , e h t e e c s h a i n d o . l o g y i n u s e . WheWthaelrmitarbtewecahnotsestointackoenfaewreanyctehreooms, loud odpiesnsiomffiilcaeriltaiyeosubtes,tworeebnrigthet wexinpdeoriwens,ctehseiotsffice space can present significant challenges. To
o o p c e c r a a s t i i o o n n a t l l o y N f a o l l . s 1 h o o r n t t i n h e p F r a o c r t t i u c e n , e n 5 o 0 t 0 b e w c i a t u h s e g o l o f b t h a e l r t e e a c h c h n . o l o g y , b u t b e c a u s e o f t h e a p p r o a c h ,
i n Ths t a a l l t a t W i o a n l m a n a d r t s u h p a p s o m r t a s n t a r a g t e e d g y t . o s u c c e e d whThere oUtChemr raerktaeitleprsovhiadves satrduizgzgyliendgiasrray of nporoddoucbtts,inallpwarithdduieffteoretnhtespsterceinfigctahtionf s and
capabilities. Many resellers are well-versed in
w w h r o i l t e e . b u i l d i n g l o y a l c u s t o m e r s i n t h e p r o c e s s . S t Tha r t a w t ’ s i t a h t c a u l l s t o o r m d e e r r f n o e r e a d n s : y T c a o l k m t p o a y n o y u , r
l c e u t s a t o l o m n e e r s o n - e w w h a i t t h d o 2 . t 3 h m e y i r l l e i a o l n l y e n m e e p d l o ? y I e s e i t s –asosrim“apslseoacsiasteays,i”nigncWonanlmecaterdt’ Bpruotdeumctbivriatcyi,nogr atercehthneorleogoythteor ecmonpsoidweerartions, such as long-term growth goals, concerns with
As Forbes contributor Louis
empowered,” he sa
Complicating matters, Walmart
associates span five to six generations of
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employee experience in a way that allows
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