Page 7 - Telecom Reseller FebMar 2018
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February/March 2018
Telecom Reseller 7
CallCabinet Releases Low Cost VoIP Appliance for its Atmos Call Recording Platform
Sets the Bar
for Hosted
BOCA RATON, FL - CallCabinet, provider of the popular cloud based Atmos Interaction Recording so ware, has announced the release of its Atmos VoIP Appliance.  e Atmos VoIP Appliance contains the Atmos Call Recording engine, making it easy to deploy the service to any VoIP (SIP) PBX within minutes.  e VoIP Appliance is a small device, capable of recording up to 30 simultaneous calls and encrypting them prior to storage in the Atmos Cloud.
“ e Atmos VoIP Appliances makes it even easier to install and maintain our recording so ware without having to worry about external hardware, maintenance and support”, stated Ryan Kahan, CEO of CallCabinet. “ e VoIP Appliance is designed to plug-in and go. Any customer can be up and recording on the Atmos so ware in a matter of minutes”, Kahan adds.
 e appliance provides the customer with encrypted, compliance ready recordings.  e VoIP Appliance is designed to capture calls on any PBX,
bu er the calls, encrypt them and upload into the Atmos Cloud. All calls are stored in the Atmos Cloud for retrieval and playback directly through the Atmos user interface.
 e popular Atmos so ware is a Call Recording So ware as a Service (SaaS) that can record any amount of users on the system, economically and meet compliance standards. CallCabinet’s “pay as you grow”
business model allows users to start small and grow the system as
needed. Furthermore, call tra c can be scaled upwards or downward, depending on seasonal busy times.  is  exibility, the support of many popular PBX systems, plus an intuitive, feature rich user interface has made Atmos one of the more popular Call Recording Services in the market. Atmos has won many awards including “Best In Show” and “Product of the Year” by TMCNET. For a full overview of the Atmos VoIP Appliance, visit our website recording-appliance/. ■
Voice Quality
and Resiliency
Managed Hosted Voice (mHV) Delivers Quality, Availability, and Visibility
HERNDON, VA - As a leader in Cloud Communications and an industry expert in both SIP Trunking and Hosted Voice, nexVortex has announced a new service o ering — Managed Hosted Voice (mHV). Managed Hosted Voice delivers high-quality, high-availability voice service for subscribers of nexVortex’s Hosted Voice o ering. Consistent voice call quality and availability have always been a challenge for providers using IP-based, real-time technologies.  is is true for both trunking and hosted services. To address Quality of Service (QoS) issues and provide de nitive troubleshooting for premise- based PBXs, nexVortex introduced Managed SIP Trunking (mSIP) in 2016. mSIP service, a 2017 Visionary Spotlight Award Winner, has seen signi cant commercial success and is now the fastest growing o ering in the nexVortex portfolio. Its success is built on the principles of Quality, Availability, and Visibility.
Now, nexVortex brings the same principles to Hosted Voice with Managed Hosted Voice.
With hosted voice service, the PBX is in the cloud and the customer has an IP phone at their location and an internet connection.  at internet connection presents a problem.  e internet carries tremendous volumes and types of tra c and packet loss is common and can’t entirely
be avoided. Since voice conversations occur in real-time, when voice packets are lost, calls get choppy, and if the packet loss is severe enough, calls will get dropped.  e uncertainty of trusting an organization’s mission critical voice service to the performance variances of the internet is too unsettling for many business owners. Managed Hosted Voice (mHV) will restore their con dence.
nexVortex’s proprietary, patent-pending Managed Hosted Voice (mHV) delivers on its promise by providing an end-to-end, single- vendor solution.  e service includes a small
edge device (on the customer premise), which is paired with the nexVortex Network to compensate for packet loss. It does this by intelligently duplicating, transmitting, and recombining voice data packets traveling between the customer’s site and the nexVortex Network and Hosted Voice platform using multiple ISP WAN links.  e statistical probability of multiple WAN links from di erent ISPs incurring simultaneous packet loss is extremely low.  e edge device is known as
the nexVortex Edge or nVE, and has intelligent so ware developed by nexVortex which provides session quality management based on SD-WAN technology.  e nVE was an e ort supported by nexVortex’s development partner Epygi, which has been involved in PBX platform development for over 17 years (
“Providing our customers and partners an Uncommon Service experience is our passion,”
said Wes Rogers, founder and chief operating o cer of nexVortex. “In Cloud Communications, this starts with Quality, Availability, and Visibility. Managed Hosted Voice delivers on all of these.
It is built, owned, and operated by nexVortex so channel partners and their customers bene t from an integrated, single-vendor solution – not 3rd party bolt-ons. We are truly excited about this ground- breaking solution.” With over 12 years of delivering Cloud Communication services, nexVortex
has been a leader in identifying and developing innovative solutions to solve voice quality problems.
Stop by our booth 1739 at
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VoIP Supply!
Since 2002 VoIP Supply has delivered unparalleled service and expertise to over 125,000 customers worldwide.
Featuring the most robust VoIP speci c product catalog that contains over 5,000 products from over 60 of the industry’s leading manufacturers, at VoIP Supply you will  nd everything you need for VoIP.
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By joining the VoIP Supply Partner Program, you will gain access to educational resources, marketing materials and much more! We are here not only to supply you with all things VoIP, but we are here to help you grow your business. If you are new to the program and have questions or can’t  nd what you’re looking for, please call us at 800-398-8647.
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VoIP Ful llment Experience and Capabilities
Since 2005, VoIP Supply has been successfully completing VoIP ful llment for clients directly through our multiple warehouse locations in North America. Scale on demand with this outsourced variable solution, enabling your business to deliver the best in service, just-in-time delivery for small to large deployments or upgrades.
Our VoIP Ful llment Services Include
• Products and Con guration • Private Labeling
• Custom Inserts
• Ordering and Integration
• Account Management and Support
From hardware to service, we have everything you need for VoIP 800-398-8647 |
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