Page 2 - KAWRJ October 2018
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Knitted or Crocheted Hats Needed
WRJ Pacific District Convention is October 18–21 in San Diego.
We could use your help before then. Each year there is a mitzvah project; this year we will donate knitted hats for women in need.
If you can knit or crochet, you can help! For patterns go to Bring the hats to CKA and we’ll take them down when we go.
Questions? Email us at
Books and Bagels
Sunday, November 4, 10:15 a.m.
Once again, KAWRJ will team up with the Men’s Club to have breakfast and discuss books. Come hear about some really great books and help us decide which book we will read as a whole congregation.
Did we mention there would be some delicious food?
Chanukah Extravaganza!
Sunday, November 4, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Our Judaica shop, as well as some of our own artists from CKA, will have lots to offer us. Come shop and then join us for Books and Bagels and shop some more!
Sale on Chanukah items & gifts
Have you renewed your membership?
July 1 was the start of a new fiscal year for KAWRJ, which means time for membership renewal. If renewing your membership has slipped through the cracks, it’s not too late! Go to to go to the membership page. You can pay online via PayPal (you don’t need a PayPal account, just a Visa or MasterCard), or you can send a check made out to “KAWRJ,” care of CKA (please write “KAWRJ dues” in the memo line).
Did you know...
...if you are a new CKA member, your first year of KAWRJ membership is free? Rabbi Dunsker pays your dues the first year. Why not attend a few KAWRJ events and see what a great group of women we are. You may come alone, but you will leave with new friends.
Get to know one of our newer members:
• Naomi Scheiner
• likes hiking and birding
• has two sons (one who is getting married in Nov.) and is married to Eric
• is originally from New York City, more recently from Florida and then Spokane • is looking for a job as a purchasing or administrative assistant
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