Page 11 - Telecom Reseller October-November 2019
P. 11

 October/November 2018
Telecom Reseller 11
 UCaaS vs. on-premise UC
Telecom Reseller 11
 September/October 2018
 voice quality and powerful functionality.
ADTRAN Empowers Services Providers with
It’s always a matter of (happy) people
By Bernardo Federigi, Marketing
The matching integrated communications
Simple, Smart, Adaptable Enterprise-Class Wi-Fi
platform easily replaces traditional
Communications Manager at
phones and establishes a new standard in intelligent terminal telephony.
Imagicle (https://www.imagicle.
Fanvil’s i-Series Intercom and Door
Think of your Webex Teams. It
True story: the Cloud offer is experiencing
seems to dominate IT market, being the
l Zero-IT Setup: Fully functional employee
Phones and Paging Gateway is a result
Latest Wi-Fi Offering Creates Competitive
software, which means additional install time
represents the front end of the whole Cisco
rapid adoption, while the On-Premise one
standard for storage, computing, and many
But are we sure it’s all a matter of
and guest network in five minutes or less with coljluasbtoarafetiwonwaizracrhdit-edcrtiuvreenaknedy,sotrftoekne,siat’snd mouse thecloicnklys.thing on which you form your
of over 16 years of SIP development eixspraepridenlycdeetchraeatsminege. Btsuat nddoesxtcheisedmsake inUdCuasatSrythdeewminanedrsoafntdhistcahnadllaerndgse?foOrr amccaeysbseaitn'sdsstiellcaumritayttperodfuspcetcsiwfichniceheds of peraocvhidcoemenphanayn?ced communications for institutional, commercial, office and inCdOusLtLriAalBapOpRlicAaTtiIoOnsN.,UC,UCAAS,
O“TNh-isPiRsEwMin-ISwEinUreCla,tiConLsOhiUpDforURCu,n DCisUtrSibTuOtioMnI,ZFaAnTvIilOanNdallourcustomers inUtChweoCraldn:aedviearnybmoadrykeistc.”loSuadyinsgJ.ackLiu, V.P.WoofrFkainvgifl.o“rTahciosmppaartnnyetrhsahtidpewveilol prsovide
Service Bundles to Increase Revenues in Large, pUrnodeurcsteivrviteydaSpMpsB. Market
and more to manage for the service provider. techAnDolTogRyA?NWiselnl,oiwt memaypobwe esorinfogrtIhTe more mtahnaang2e,r5s0, 0busetrdvoicyeopurothvidnekras itneltehpehUon.Se. already opselrlaintogrmoranaagendesreicrvmicaensatogetrhiesbinutregreeosnteindg insmClaollubduvssinOesns-mPraermkeistetoduebnaiqteu?eOlyrptohseityi’olln bethreamthserlvinestetroecstaepdtuinretnhewWayi-tFhieodpapiloyrtunities towoiltshcansicmhpalnegr,emthoeriercwoostr-keiffnegcltifvee?solution.
AThDuTsR,AwNha’stnaepwpeoaffresrtiongbeisadtescihgneodlotgoyenable isseurevbiceecopmroevsidaermsatottemraoxfigmeitztienCgAthPeEXand joObPdEoXnes.aPveinogpsl,eidnocrne’tasweaAnvtearaCgleouRdevenue Per orUOsenr-(PAreRmPUa)r,cchrieteactetu“rseti:ctkhye”ycwusatnotmtoers and
Canadian companies with powerful
IHnUthNeTsSamVIeLwLEay,,AthLe-nAuDmTbReAr oNf®, Inc., U(NCA-aSsD-aA-Qse:rAvDicTeN(U),CthaaeSle)aodffinerginpgrosvhiadser of enxepxlto-dgende, raastimonoroepaendnmetowroerbkuinsginseoslsuetsioanrse, thuarsnlianugntcohtehdeitcsloeundtearpsraisweaWy io-fFdi esolilvuetrioingfor csoemrvmiceunpricoavtiidoenrs,efrevaitcuersi.ngmachinelearning tecInhn2o0l2o1gythaendUnai1fi0e0d%Ccolomumd-umnaicnaatgioendsIT amsoadselr.vThice(nUewCaoaffSe)rmingarekneatbwleisllsbeervwicoerth mprorveidtherasnt2o3eabsiillyiobnudnodllearcsowmipthetaiti4v-eyseearvices, CsiAmGpRlifyofm1a7n%a.gement and reduce install time
to reach the large, underserved small business
increase competitiveness.
judgmPoewnterofuyloeunrtecropmrisme-ucnlaicssatAioPns:sEyffistecmien. t Litptlreicrienlegvatn7c5e%wlhoewthererthita’snotnypPicraeml enotreropnrise- theclCaslosuAdP.s and licenses.
WhAat“jIumsteraignhits”tfheatutrheesteht:inFgocyuosuedloovne robust iswenhtaetrapcrtiusealcloynanlleocwtisviytoyuantodwserciuteriatnydwith spesaeka,myloeussruWpegbraedxeTsetaomAsD;nToRtAthNeadmvaznicnegd Cisfceoatiunrfersaastnrducflteuxriebltehdateplileosyumnednetroipt.tions
YouM’raecjhuisnterleemarontienlyg-apwoawreroedf tWhait-.Fi that
just works: Self-optimizing and healing
UC applications, every day I hear
communicate and collaborate in the
communications and security solutions
“Subscribers are increasingly judging the
people talking about the cloud. Actually,
“Enterprise-grade Wi-Fi offerings are
simplest way possible.
DynamicRF maximizes performance and
with excellent service, incredible value and
quality of their internet experience based
on the quality of their Wi-Fi,” ADTRAN Manager of Wi-Fi Technology and Strategy Ken Fernandes said. “ADTRAN’s new enterprise- class Wi-Fi allows service providers to help their cPoset-oconpsclieouds moicnro’atndwsmaanll btusainess customers by simply bundling ADTRAN APs, while redCucliongucodstsoanrd Ocomnp-lePxitry.eSemrvice providers can now upsell and seamlessly upgradeathreicr shubistceribcertsutoreenh:antchedeseyrvices and features, further increasing ARPU.”
everybody talks about “The Cloud.” It can
It’s true, it’s a changing scenario and it can
short lead times.”
critical for service providers seeking to expand
adapts to interference by learning about the
be my colleague as well as my taxi driver,
Does this make UCaaS the winner of this
be confusing.
“With this new technology-driven line
into the small business space,” IHS Markit’s
RF environment and automatically adjusting
even if I’m not sure both refer to the same
challenge? Not exactly.
What you can do, then, is moving
of Hotel Phones, Intercom, Door Phones
Service Provider Technology Team Principal
optimal radio settings.
clouds I’m going to talk about hereunder...
It is not a rigid dichotomy. Despite
from talking about UCaaS vs. On-Prem
and SIP security products, we’re putting
Analyst John Kendall said. “However, it is not
DynamicSteering automatically steers clients
Jokes apart, the plain fact is that, over
UCaaS’s rising fortunes, on-prem solutions
to figuring out how people want to
our customer’s interests first! No other
enough to merely offer simple Wi-Fi; a service
to the best AP or radio within an AP to provide
the past few years, the cloud offer is
are not dead and won’t be for a very long
communicate and collaborate.
manufacturer can compete with the
provider looking to expand into this space
the best possible quality of experience. Prevents
experiencing rapid adoption, while On-
time. The final decision rests in the hands
Whatever is the architecture chosen, the
functionality, quality, dependability and
must offer a premium, managed Wi-Fi solution
“sticky Wi-Fi clients.”
Premise one is clearly decreasing.
of the companies and depends on multiple
important thing is to succeed in helping
incredible value of these Fanvil products
at a competitive price point. This can be the
DynamicMulticast prevents multicast traffic
In fact, according to a Gartner research
any customer to improve the way they run
now available in the Canadian market.”
cornerstone of a SMB-targeted campaign that
typically sent at low data rates from impacting
I’ve read recently, we’ll reach the crossover
For instance, if you’re looking for
their communications by making their
says V.P. Business Development, Tomasz
addresses millions of new potential customers.”
wADaTnRAtNt’soencteroprmisemWi-uFinoffiecriangtiencludes the following:
overall performance by learning about traffic
point in 2021.
customization of features, a UCaaS offer
everyday tools ever more efficient and
“This is a pre-emptive strike and it’s going
According the U.S. Census Bureau 2015
patterns and automatically adjusting optimal
Statistics of U.S. Businesses (SUSB), there are
l 100% cloud-managed IT: No required and collaborate in the
multicast settings.
to put pressure on our competitors most
5.8 million total SMBs in the U.S., and the
Interactive support community: Optional
number of users, or horizontally to add
to imagine the specific needs of each
of all. We want our customers to know that
total addressable market for micro and small
subscriptions or licenses. No installation or management of on-premises controller or
upgrades to enhanced support
different applications, UCaaS options
simplest way possible
organization; they will guide you to the
these Fanvil products not only meet and
business Wi-Fi in the U.S. alone exceeds $2.8
Every AP is a starting point: Scale from a
As you can see in this figure, the cloud
seems to be preferred way.
l Zero Touch AP Provisioning: APs
most suitable architecture to meet them. n handful of APs to thousands across multiple
exceed the competition, but at a level of quality, dependability and value unmatched
billion. Whether a local attorney, doctor, motel or independent coffee shop — all expect fast,
locations and customers
will hardly fit your needs. Conversely, if
you need to scale vertically for a greater
Don’t get stuck in the transition. Strive
by other manufacturers, while offering the best warrantee in the business.”
More at and n
Spectralink Announces
reliable Wi-Fi. Typical enterprise-class Wi-Fi solutions are too expensive and complex for these organizations with limited to no IT staff. Further, they require on-premises controllers or
In manufacturing, Versity’s innovative
automatically discover the cloud and download firmware configuration.
For more information, please visit www. n
All with West’s 9-1-1 solutions.
See what Nemertes Research has to say.
                          General Availability of
well as on the sales floor to track product deliveries and current inventory.
Skyetel and Telinta Team
its Next-Generation voice optimization capabilities, such as
Enterprise Mobility Platform
noise suppression and echo cancellation,
Up to Meet the Needs of
...continued from page 7
information amid the constant noise and
VoIP Service Providers
AcVroIsPsseearcvhiciendpurosvtridy,eVrsecrsaintyu’seuSnkiqyueetel’s strenDgIDthssaanrdeVhoeIlPpiTnegrmorignatniioznatwioitnhsTelinta’s capitcaloliuzde-obnasnedwsopftpsowrtitucnhitpileastftorm. Both enhacnocmeptahneiceussotffoemrejorienxtperorimenocteions for and dmruivteuawlocruksftormcerpsr.oductivity. In healthVcarnec,ofuovreinr,sWtaAnacen,dVSeprrsiintgyfimealdk,eNsJ
- Telinta, a global leader in white-label it possible for hospitals and other
cloud-based softswitch solutions, and healthcare providers to consolidate
Skyetel, a leading provider of DIDs and multiple, siloed systems, such as
VoIP Termination, has announced a joint nurse call and HER systems. This helps
promotion for VoIP service providers. streamline information access for
among workers in the hospitality
industry as well, while expanded LTE coverage helps staff stay connected eveCnainatdhae. mAdodsiticohnaallelyn,gSiknygesteplaaclesso,offers froTmelpinatrakcinugstlomtsearnsdfrdeeliDvIeDrypaoretiansgtfor watheeriprafirksst 9a0ndaoyustdoof oserrdviincienagnsdp$
“sWerevdicescigrendeidt fVoerresviteyrybansuemdboenrthey port in sha(urepdtoex$p1e,0r0ie0n).ces of customers across manySkinydeutestl rciuestaonmdewrsewlihstoesnigedn utop for new
service with Telinta will receive a $400 their desire for a product that could
credit towards their monthly usage of meet some tough mobility challenges
hosted softswitch and billing services. and goals,” said Andrew Duncan, vice
Telinta provides comprehensive training president, product and technology
and 24×7 live technical support to help solutions for Spectralink. “The result is
VoIP service providers can easily use clinicians and other caregivers, which in
Skyetel customers.
a solution that not only stands up to the
Skyetel DIDs and VoIP Termination with turn helps enhance patient care, improve
“VoIP service providers often tell rigors and realities of their respective
any of Telinta’s white label VoIP solutions, productivity and deliver better patient
us that monthly minimums for DIDs work environments, but also provides
such as Hosted PBX, SIP Trunking, “Over outcomes.
and VoIP Termination can be difficult, a valuable tool that staff is eager to
the Top” (OTT) Mobile VoIP using Telinta’s “What really makes the Spectralink
especially when their business is new use in their day-to-day workflows. It’s
brandable smartphone app, Calling Card, products unique is their innovation,”
and growing,” said Alex Ferdman, CEO of a win-win that’s helping to redefine
Pinless, and other services. says Gail Hopkins, Director of
Telinta. “Skyetel’s special no-minimum what’s possible in enterprise mobility
Telinta customers can also offer Skyetel Healthcare, Presidio. “They’ve really
promotion for Telinta customers is a very for both our customers and across their
DIDs on a wholesale basis to their own been listening to where key challenges
attractive offer.” industries.”
resellers and customers via Telinta’s award- exist in healthcare and then very clearly
“From start to finish, we are constantly Versity is now available in United
winning TeliCoreTM platform. TeliCore addressed those needs.”
optimizing the whole experience for VoIP States, Canada, Europe, Australia, the
is a carrier-grade Class 4 and Class 5 Versity’s industry-savvy capabilities
service providers,” said Chris Bardos, CEO Middle East and Africa. Customers can
softswitch, integrating Telinta’s cutting- are also evident in retail. Many of its
of Skyetel.
choose from four varieties: Wi-Fi only,
edge VoIP solutions with world-class built-in features and functionality
“We’re all about earning your business Wi-Fi and LTE, with built-in scanner,
switching, billing and customizable portals. directly support specific workflow
every day, and partnering with Telinta is a without scanner. To order, customers
Both companies will offer special
powerful part of that. Skyetel customers
challenges across multiple working promotions to new customers. Telinta
can contact Spectralink sales or their can benefit from Telinta’s cloud-based
environments. Its industrial barcode customers will have no monthly minimums
Spectralink-authorized reseller. switching and billing solutions.”
scanner, for example, can be used in when they purchase Skyetel’s VoIP
For more information, please visit More at and www.
retail stockrooms and delivery docks as Termination and DIDs for the US and n n
make it possible for manufacturing
staff to clearly hear and relay critical
high-volume machinery on the factory
floor. These capabilities are beneficial in
ensuring clear, reliable communications
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