Page 4 - Kol Ami November 2017
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KAW RJ Connections
KAWRJ President’s Message
I just read about URJ Camp Newman (in Santa Rosa) burning down, and I have such a sense of sadness in my heart. While I never had the chance to a end camp, I have heard the stories of so many who have and how those experiences have a ected their lives. Why is time spent at camp so meaningful? I think many of us haven’t had the time to just hang out with friends or to explore our beliefs. We don’t stop to marvel at the natural world or even sing and dance joyously.
This fall, a number of us from KAWRJ drove up to Arlington and spent a weekend at Camp Kalsman. Being nestled in the trees, hearing the birds (and the pa er of rain on the roof), strolling around the lake and seeing how beautiful the area is made me want to stop and re ect, to praise G-d and yes, sing and dance. I felt fortunate to be able to learn, worship, and eat with others who, like me, have busy lives but long for more. I can see why so many of the kids in our congregation can’t wait to go back to Camp Kalsman each year. In addition to spending summers there, many of our teens visit throughout the year when NFTY (North American Federation of Temple Youth) holds programs there that empower them to change the world. We are truly blessed to have a camp nearby where our children can go to connect with their faith and with each other, build a sense of who they are as Jews, and what they can do in this world to make a di erence.
KAWRJ has supported our students by giving scholarships to help defray the costs to a end camp. In fact, we have given over $10,000 to this cause. These funds help students go to Camp Kalsman, but also to attend other URJ-affiliated camps that focus on leadership and social action. In the past, we have raised funds by having big events or through our sociable sign-ups. This year, we are trying something new. We will ask you to count your blessings and give toward the URJ Camps Fund. You will receive an invitation in the mail where you can decide how much you’d like to donate. KAWRJ has decided that we’d like to help Camp Newman rebuild, so a portion of the funds we raise will be passed along to them. We want to make it possible for more children (and adults) to experience what Jewish camps have to o er.
As we note events in the U.S. and abroad, may we stop and count our blessings. May we realize how fortunate
we are to be a part of this whole mishpacha, our CKA family, and nd ways to support each other and those of our bigger “family” as well.
Soup and salad in the sukkah a success!
What a lovely time we all had together sipping sangria, slurping up soup, and sampling salads. We were able to shake the lulav and etrog, and learn a li le about them as well thanks to Rabbi Dunsker. We were happy to have so many men join us too! What a delightful way to deepen our connections and start the new year together.
Women’s wisdom
Some of us joined Congregation Beth Israel’s sisterhood in a presentation and discussion with Lois Shenker, one of the authors of Pirkei Imahot. After a delicious brunch, Lois shared how this compilation of sayings of the mothers came about. She led us in a lively discussion about four of the sayings; two were from Pirkei Avot (Wisdom of the Fathers) and two were from Pirkei Imahot. One of the sayings had to do with having a moral compass. We shared what values we thought might be on the four points of our moral compasses and how they would motivate our behavior. A copy of the book was purchased so that we can share some of these wise words with you (check it out from the CKA library).
Rosh Chodesh
Many thanks to all of you who
came and helped out with the
potluck set up and clean up Friday,
October 20. It was fun to see the
clever ways our food represented
the theme of Rosh Chodesh. Thank
you, Rabbi, for enlightening us on this special day once a month that is reserved for women.
Ladies’ Night Out
A ention KAWRJ Ladies! Join us for our November Ladies’ Night Out. Here are the details:
Who You!
What Dinner and good company
Where 360 Kitchen and Bar
3425 SE 192nd Avenue, Vancouver
When Wednesday, November 15, 6:30 p.m. Why Because it is sure to be a fun evening
Note: “360” is in Vancouver’s east side, near QFC. The menu has something for everyone: pizza, pasta, salads, and more.
Let us know if you can join us so we can reserve a big enough table for everyone.
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Cheshvan / Kislev 5778uNovember 2017