Page 6 - Kol Ami November 2017
P. 6
i September 2017 Calendar
It takes a village to build a Sukkah
Please join us as our father
Israel “Izzy” E
celebrates a second bar mitzvah at 10:00 Saturday morning November 18, 2017
at Congregation Kol Ami Luncheon to follow
Lynn, Debbie, and Becky Please RSVP
Well wishes only please
Thursday Friday Saturday
We had a gang of about 20 wonderful guys turn out
to bu3il1d the Sukkah o1n a beautiful Su2nday morning.
Afterward we enjoyed co ee and nosh. Our volunteers
0 PM
sah study group, Rosh Hashahah Day 1, Rosh Hashanah Day 2, of whom also helped to put it up.
ong & Bridge,
0 PM Joe M
e, M.
.org rg
Shabbat Service, Torah Study, 9:00 AM 7:30 PM Shabbat Morning
did an awesome job of pu ing up the Sukkah, which
was ready in time for the Sunday School kids to begin decorating.
We had decent weather during the week, and the
Education Committee Shabbat Service, Torah Study, 9:00 AM meeting, 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Tot Shabbat, 9:00 AM
Sukkah was put to good use several times.
Hadassah Handy Works, Shabbat Morning 7:00 PM Service, 10:00 AM
On the following Sunday we discovered that taking
down14the Sukkah is n1o5t as glamorous16as building it, ong&Bridger,esulKtiAnWgRJiLnadaiesmNiguhtchsmVoalunllteerAtpuprenciatoiount.WToreahoStwudye,9s:0p0eAcMial
Out, details TBD. Shabbat, followed by Shabbat Morning
thanks to those who did a sterling job taking it down
dinner, 6:00 PM Service, 10:00 AM and packing all the pieces away in a moSs’litchtoitdstyudyfansdhion.
We were also able to enjoy co ee and eats.
21 22 23
Thanks to these folks who put the Sukkah away, most
0 AM 10:00 AM
Rosh Hashanah, Family Service, 3:00 PM
10:00 AM
Torah Study, 9:00 AM Shabbat Morning
RJ board meeting,
PM Russ W
Izzy E
Shabbat Service, 7:30 PM
Service, 10:00 AM
Israel M
Taschlich at Klineline Pond, 4:30 PM
Michael K Bob L
Kol Nidre, 7:30 PM
Yom Kippur, 10:00 AM Adult study, 1:30 PM Family service, 3:30PM Mincha, 4:30 PM Yizkor, 6:00 PM N’eilah, 6:45 PM Havdalah & Break-the-
Waymon C
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Cheshvan / Kislev 5778uNovember 2017
Service, 10:00 AM
services, 7:00 PM
fast, 7:15 PM