Page 7 - Kol Ami November 2017
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Social Action ACTION
Winter Hospitality Overflow (WHO) opens November 1. In mid-November we’ll begin our annual collection of donations of pantry items, food, and men’s clothing supplies to support this annual program that makes available 30 additional overnight beds (just mats, really) for men, and 50 for women, children, and men- in-families.
Much needed items
Food supplies Cereals, cookies, crackers, 5# or 10# bags of sugar, 3# cans of co ee or decaf, dry creamer, jam, 64 ounce juices or fruit drinks, throat lozenges
Cleaning supplies TP, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, 50 gallon garbage bags, cleanser
Clothing NEW underwear, NEW socks, gently worn items accepted include coats, shirts, pants, belts, shoes, hats, scarves
Used camping supplies, especially backpacks or tents, will be given to authorized people who provide on- the-street service to folks who are homeless.
Earlier this year KAWRJ had a presentation at CKA about people who are homeless. We learned that all kinds of people  nd themselves unable to  nd a ordable housing; these include veterans of all ages, elderly, and displaced people. It doesn’t just happen to “other people.”
There are two weeks, as well as additional opportunities, when Kol Ami volunteers to provide hospitality at St. Paul WHO (located in downtown Vancouver, right by the courthouse). CKA’s WHO Team Leader is Sue M ( We are using (h p:// to organize our shifts. This year our shifts run from December 22 – December 28, and March 18–25 with First Congregational United Church of Christ (UCC).
How it works in 3 easy steps
1. Use this link to see our SignUp:
2. Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) that work best for you.
3. Sign up! It’s easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on
(Note: does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.)
Religious School News
Shalom Kol Ami Families
What a whirlwind! Between the start
of the school year and the holidays, I
feel like the time has just roared on. By the time you read this we will be at week 8 or 9 of Religious School, and we will have started Hebrew School. As much as I appreciate the rhythm and structure that the holy days give to my life, I am always ready to get back to a more regular schedule. I think this is true for our children as well, creatures of habit that we all are.
But we also crave novelty! On November 5, we will have Family Ed Day for Kitah Dalet – please plan on spending the morning with your child(ren) as they make their own tallit. November is also Jewish Book Month. Our fabulous librarian, Barbara G, will be inviting each class into the library for a special activity.
As always, toda rabah to our excellent teachers for giving so much of themselves. KAST and Carol S also deserve special thanks for pu ing together our fantastic Sukkot fair. It was really successful: fun, well organized, and good learning experiences for all involved!
Amy Schoppert
Education Director
“Kehillat Olam” is the of cial cemetery
of Congregation Kol Ami
Besides offering at-need services, Northwood Park offers a full line of pre-arrangement plans for both cemetery and funerals. Call today for one of our counselors to answer all of your questions. We have prices and programs to  t each individual need.
We are conveniently located near I-5, across from the Clark County Fair Grounds
16407 NE 15th Avenue, Ridge eld q 360-574-4252 q Locally owned and operated
Congregation Kol Ami
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