Page 3 - November 2018
P. 3
Notes from Rabbi Dunsker
I am so pleased to let everyone know that this year we will be co-sponsoring the Israeli Film Festival with the Portland MJCC. What this means is that we will be showing one of the films at Kol Ami! Filmmaker Nili Yosha will be here with her film, The Lost Boys of Portlandia, which explores the lives of homeless boys on the streets of Portland. The boys have helped to make this film using their own riff on the Peter Pan story. We will show the film on Sunday November 11, at 7:00 p.m. Because we are running this program in conjunction with the MJCC, there is a charge of $5/person if you are a CKA or MJCC member, and $8 for everyone else.
Following the movie, we will have a chance to hear from the director and possibly some of the boys as well. I am really looking forward to this event as well as hopefully more of this kind in the future. It has taken a few years of trying for us to make this happen, so please join us to make it a great evening. I’m sure there will be snacks to partake of as well.
Also a friendly reminder that I will be away December– February, but Shabbat services still need to happen. Follow the links in the happenings to sign up to lead any part of a service, if you would like to do it with a partner, but don’t know whom to ask, please write that in when you add your name and we will try to find someone to help out. You may just give a D’var or just lead services or just read Torah. There are openings for early potluck services when you might tell a story. As well, Tot Shabbat needs leading – that involves stories, songs, and an art project. We are an energetic and educated congregation. I know many of you have all the skills necessary to take on some or all of these challenges, so please sign up! If you would like a little help, I will be running another how-to session on Thursday November 15.
And one more early plug for our Hanukkah Latke Fest on Sunday evening, December 9. We have wonderful guests coming to speak about Jewish superheroes in midrash and art: Isaac and Rabbi Shawna Brynjegard- Bialik. This will be an evening you don’t want to miss!
Amy’s comments
This last month we honored our congregation’s volunteers, including our teachers. Our congregation is rich with teachers. I have been here just over a year, but the interactions I witness between our teachers and our students remind me of this quote by Abraham Joshua Heschel:
What we need more than anything else is not textbooks but text people. It is the personality of the teacher which is the text that the pupils read; the text that they will never forget.
We are blessed by the “text people” that give so much of themselves to the children of this community. And I, personally, am honored to work with them. They help me grow with their feedback, inspire me with their devotion, and delight me with their humor.
In The Disappearance of Childhood Neil Postman said, “Children are the message we send to a time we will not see.” The selflessness of our teachers, their willingness to devote themselves to our children and a time they may not see, is a gift beyond measure. Thank you.
Amy S
Education Director
Congregation Kol Ami
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