Page 6 - Telecom Reseller February March 2020
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      6 Telecom Reseller September/October 2018
February/March 2020
 KATE DALEY Prodoscore
proeaffcetcivtievienlysiygohutsrfboursainlledsespwairltlmopenertsataellaonwdinthge parhtnigehresrtovdeereapllepnrroedlautcitoinvisthyipans dwiptrhoinfitability cuslteovmelesrw’siellnbtier.eorganization.Byincreasing wo3rk. fBoercteteproCduuscttoivmitey,rpaanrdtnUersearrEe xgpuiedriinegnce theAirncoutshteormbernsetfiotboefntehfiirtds -ipnacrlutydimngonbiutot rniontg exctlouosilsvethtoat: can have a measurable impact
AP r n o n d o o u s n c c o e r s e t h e
they already provide.
continued from page 1
l Growing user adoption to realize full ROI
Partner Program
withanAIsolutionthataddressesmultiple lForneeailnlgcocmapiotanlebnytsidoefnytoifuyrinbguseixncess,ive Interestedpartnersshouldvisithttps://www.
entire UC environment
(including switches, routers and SBCs) can be managed in a single,
opeisratthioe nhaigl hexepr elenvdeiltsuoref sc.ustomer and employee satisfaction they provide. There are numerous studies that confirm the strong correlation between an optimally- functioningUCenvironment(supported by a 3rd-party tool) and increased customer satisfaction. In fact, according to a specific study done by Nemertes Research, in 2018- 1985%ofthecompaniesareimplementing digital customer experience measures because of this. Plus, improved satisfaction rates don’t apply only to customers, but extend on to internal users - resulting in better company morale, and increased productivity across the board.
these first-party tools tend to be convenient
customer needs. Machine Learning delivers n Q
911 has been used in North America since 1968, but it is not a global number. The ITU (International Telecommunications Union) is a global standards organization that provides guidance to its members.
s come with
they are on the front-lines of innovation
We can confidently say that we have the best hardware rental program in the broad coverage, neither is
widest variety of VoIP Products for a low monthly paymleearnitn!g the emergency
Why Join the VoIP Supply Rental Program?
Is it legal for employers to ployee’s location
Telecom Reseller 13
     1. All your UC needs, one
lIncreasingsalesperformancebyreplicating the behaviors of top performers.
monitoring tool
Prod"oisfcoyreopuartcnehrsoaoresdeiffetroenutiasted abecau
l Identifying new market opportunities directly requested by their customer base.
third-party tool, your
March 2020
of their IT investment.
Telecom Pro
 and secure, they are specifically designed to
IRcoVllIeNctEd, CatAa o-nParondoesncsourreeTM,ththeepwerofrokrfmoracnece
porof dthuecitrivinitdyivoipdtuimalizpalatitofonrmcomonplayn, ny,ohtaysour
gtihviantgyochuarnbnueslinpeasrstnmearsy,hmaavneagnedarsrearyvoicfe centralised place pcromvidmeursn,iacnatdiocnontosuolsta, nastswthelel abs inliettywtork
Is 911 a univA services number?
 bsrwinigtcihnenso, rvoautitveersa,nadndacStBioCnsabthleatAaIrteoaolls to
ambroonaidtoraendgbeyodficffuesrteonmtesyrs.tePmarst,nwehrsicwhilclan aholisticviewofyour
rerecseuivlteicnuisstolmatiezdabdlaetaGsoi-loTso.-Market and
saleThs eencarbeleamtioentotfosoilos,sfirseperdoebmleomactcicounts, lebaedcasuhsaerianngyoipsspuoerstuthnaitiaesr,isaencdanluocrnaltyivbee csoemenmwisistihoinst.hThe ceoPnrtoedxot socfotrheaPt saprtenceifircProgram epmlaptofowremrsopratrotnoel rsathoearstshisatnnyeowuarnUdCexisting ceunstvoirmonermsetontimasparowvheocloer.pCoornatseqpueerfnotrlym,ance aonpdticnregaftoerafimrsot-rpeaprrtyodtouoctlsivceawn ocrakufsoerce while opernfionrgmanrecveemnuoensitorerainmg aetfftohretsletoadbieng edge of thfreagctruorweidn,gdAiffiI/cMulLt asnodftwinaerffie scpieancte..By
co“nPtrroadsot,sicfoyroeustcahnodossoeutot buesceaaustehipradr-tpnaerrtsy ctaonole,vyeoruargenthtierevUaluCeepnrvoipronsimtioentt(oinwcilnuding nsewitcuhsetso,mroeurtsearns dangdroSwBCresv)ecnaunebferomanthaegierd eixnisatisnigngblaes,ec,eunltrimaliastedlypilnacreefarsoinmg wtheiicrhtoytoaul lihfeatviemaehvoaliuseti,”csvaiiedwMoifcyhoauerl Setceorsl,yCstEemO.oThf Cisarve Dciegnitaral lainsadtiConlohuadsObepetink.p“rIovliekne tohartesauslitnignle solution can help partners expand their services to the C-suite, sales, marketing, and support departments.”
The product’s architecture makes it an inherent complement to a partner’s existing technology portfolio by allowing them to provide additional services without cannibalizing their staple product lines. Prodoscore’s technology creates Actionable AnalyticsTM using a proprietary algorithm paired with Google Cloud Platform’s Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing APIs, from data generated by cloud applications like CRM and UCaaS platforms. Partners can continue delivering returns on existing solutions because customers will discover new insights from data already within their current technology stack.
The flexible program welcomes partners of all backgrounds ranging from Salesforce Consultants to Telco Agents
The flexible program welcomes partners
of all backgrounds ranging from Salesforce Consultants to Telco Agents. Prodoscore
is a great fit for channel partners in the communications space looking to change
with the market because it provides additional benefits for their customers to switch from on- premise to UCaaS. Consultants and SIs already in the Salesforce and Google ecosystems will be able to offer a non-competing product that enhances the value of services and solutions
immense savings on time and costs, and an improvement of productivity.
2. Real-time monitoring
Another significant advantage of using a quality third-party tool to monitor your UC environment is access to real-time analytics. With this feature at your disposal, you canneatlypinpointanyissueswithinyour system as they occur, or even foresee and prevent them from happening before they do. Naturally, the less issues that arise and the quicker you can fix any that do, the more
industry. Our Device as a Service (DaaS) rental program gives younuivrecrsuasl.tWohmenetrasvethllieng to a new or unfamiliar location,
from which you have ecosystem.
ersal emergency
 Ultimately, it is a possible and viable
option to operate your UC without third-
party monitoring tools. However, the
evidence is clear that third party tools are
moreeffectivewhenitcomestooptimizing ITU-TE.161.1:“Guidelinesto your UC environment and delivering
improved customer and staff satisfaction,
higher productivity, increased revenue, and
less stress n
select Emergency Number for
public telecommunications
networks” recommends
either 112 or 911 or both
be implemented. 112 is the
 standard for EU countries
 as well as others across the
globe. While 112 and 911 have
service nQ destination is advised.
Employers can track company assets such as vehicles,
umber for your
 Fast & Easy to Apply — One-page application track an emA using GPS?
Approved Within Days
Wide Variety of VoIP Products (phones, conference phones, PBXs, and more)
 If you are interested in joining the VoIP Supply DaaS Rental Program
equipment, computers, please email us at and request thsemfaorrtmph!ones, and tablets
Rent Brands Like:
Tracking GPS of personal
using GPS without employee
consent in the United States.
smartphones is not allowed
without explicit consent,
though. Also, state, federal
and international laws vary
on the topic of surveillance of
employees outside of work
hours or without consent.
Laws will continue to evolve
as digital footprints expand
and data privacy expectations
    change. Best practices for
                      businesses on this topic
From hardware to service, we have
 are to be transparent with
everything you need for VoIP
800-398-8647 |
employees, obtain consent
  as required, and monitor changing laws and regulations closely.
Let Softel take your enterprise to Skype
Microsoft Skype for Business integration with Active Directory, Unified Communication, Office 365, UCMA Application Development, Legacy Voice Systems, and Contact Center
A kiosk reception solution exclusively from Softel
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