Page 3 - Telecom Reseller December-Janauary 2018
P. 3
December/January 2018
Telecom Reseller 3
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Editor & Publisher
Douglas Green –
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The Platform Economy Is Here. Here’s How to Become a Major Player
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customer. It is crucial to ensure that technology enhancements are well integrated into the customer experience.
Most companies, including CSPs, have traditionally focused on building products and systems, protecting them, and using them to gain an advantage. is has de ned business competition for decades. Now, the digital economy demands more active engagement with partners to understand the competition and where to nd value to deliver to your own customers.
e simple truth is that an ecosystem of partner solutions provides far more value than one company ever could on its own. CSPs that partner well will ultimately beat those that don’t.
3.) FIND THE VALUE FIRST, WORRY ABOUT EXECUTION LATER Platforms can provide real value, but only if
the business case is clear and there is internal alignment around a digital transformation strategy. If your organization is not on the same page, your platform project will become the latest tech buzzword to fail to meet its potential. Align and nd value rst, and then execute your transformation plans.
Looking back over the past 60 years, 88 percent of Fortune 500 companies are no longer in business, and thanks to the digital economy the pace of change is accelerating. Today, the companies that will endure—and thrive—are platform companies. It may be a strange new world for many CSPs,
but most already have what they need to make
the transition. By prioritizing the user experience, engaging with partners, and aligning from the get- go, CSPs will be in the best position to successfully become major players in the platform economy. ■
Interface Your Paging System to Telecom or IP Phone Systems with Viking’s New FXI-1A
HUDSON, WI - e FXI-1A smart paging interface enables connectivity of today’s analog and VoIP phone systems to traditional paging ampli ers.
“ e FXI-1A provides programmable features to better interface with the wide range of telecom and IP phone system variables.” – Paul Speltz, Senior Engineer, Viking Electronics, Inc.
e FXI-1A interfaces phone systems to paging systems in a variety of ways. Connections include: FXS station ports, FXO trunk ports and VOX paging ports.
In addition to voice paging, the FXI-1A supports background music, loud ringing and can enable a pre-page alert tone.
Background music, white noise, sound masking or any other external audio source can be routed through the FXI-1A using the relay contacts. All paging and background audio is delivered from the FXI-1A to the paging ampli er via the 600 Ohm audio output. During an incoming page, the on-board relay will cut the background audio and trigger ampli ers for increased page intelligibility.
Intelligent features on the FXI-1A enhance
interoperability with existing paging systems. Automatic disconnect on CPC and busy signal along with programmable silence and page length timers prevent tying up paging ampli ers.
For more information on the FXI-1A, visit: fxi-1a/
Viking Electronics designs and manufactures over 500 security and communication products; such as Emergency Phones, Entry Systems, Paging Interfaces, Ampli ers, Mass Noti cation Systems, Hot Line Phones, Auto Dialers, Enclosures, and more. In addition to our extensive analog line, we also o er a large selection of IP based solutions. Viking’s VoIP products are SIP compliant, with features such as built-in relays and automatic noise canceling.
We are continually developing new ideas using the latest technology to expand our product lines. As always, Viking products are designed, manufactured, and supported in the USA and are backed by a two year limited warranty. For more information, please visit: www.vikingelectronics. com. ■
Talk Fusion Introduces
New Product Interface for Award-Winning Video Suite
enrichments to the company’s flagship products, plus new additions that will take Talk Fusion’s value and brand to the next level.
“By rethinking the way people connect,” Reina said, “we are reshaping the future.”
Talk Fusion Chief Technical Officer Ryan Page is spearheading the fast- approaching series of enhancement releases alongside the company’s talented team of IT professionals in Texas.
“We’ve made everything even more intuitive and seamless for the countless businesses, charities, and individuals who come to Talk Fusion for all their communication needs,” Page said. “We’re not only setting the new standard for communication software; we’re introducing a ‘click-to-connect’ future. This is just the very tip of the iceberg: we have many more enhancements stacked in our production pipeline. Talk Fusion will undoubtedly be the communications company to watch in the upcoming year.”
More at ■
BRANDON, FL - A pioneer in the WebRTC video communications space, Florida-based company Talk Fusion recently released a redesigned Product Dashboard for its award-winning Video Suite—the first of many milestone innovations to be unveiled over the next few months.
The new product interface sports
a stylish look and offers an enhanced user experience to Talk Fusion’s global customer base. According to company Founder & CEO Bob Reina, this new release will act as a catalyst for the next era of Talk Fusion product modernizations.
“Given that our products, value, and pricing are all unmatched in the communications industry, we are our
own biggest competition,” Reina said. “We are constantly perfecting and enhancing our products because we are committed to providing our customers with the world’s highest-quality and most efficient WebRTC-powered suite. This restructured Dashboard is our first step into the future, and it gives the world a first glimpse of what a profound year 2018 is going to be for Talk Fusion.”
According to Talk Fusion’s vision statement that was released last month, the company is on a mission to forever change the way the world communicates by “breaking down barriers with a simple, unified communication solution powered by the most modern technology available.”
Users can look forward to significant
Call: 360 260-9708 • Toll Free: 800 667-8965
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