Page 4 - Telecom Reseller December-Janauary 2018
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4 Telecom Reseller December/January 2018 Real-world Signaling & Trac Impairments
Simulation over IP Networks
and tear down using di erent protocols. As part of this implementation, MAPSTM simulator can select speci c messages in the protocol
and use logical operators to insert data into or corrupt  elds in the messages starting at the signalling link level. MAPSTM supports low level impairment capability by manipulating forward and backward call messages (on a per call basis) just before sending over transport.
Logical operators can be used to apply a speci c impairment to a speci c message over the system and impairments can also be set on the RTP path.  is requires the user to know where in the frame of a particular message to insert the impairment or to corrupt.
GL’s PacketCheckTM is a so ware based Ethernet tester with BERT and  roughput testing abilities. It is very easy to use as a general-purpose network performance analysis tool for 10Mbps, 100Mbps and 1Gbps LANs and WANs.  e application generates multi stream Ethernet/IP/UDP tra c with on-demand bandwidth (up to 800 Mbps)
and measures end to end performance such
as Bit Error Rate, Total Packets, Packet loss,
Out of Sequence Packets, and Erred Packets. Additional features include transmission of pre-recorded  le tra c, GTP tra c simulation, impairment generation, Bursty and Fixed IFG (Inter Frame Gap) tra c generation mode, and Delay measurements, with provision to generate PRBS patterns or user-de ned test patterns.”
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Gaithersburg, MD - GL Communications tools are Multi-Stream WAN Link Simulators With PCAP Replay option, any combination
Inc., has announced its tools on Real-World Signaling & Tra c Impairments Simulation over IP Networks such as delay, jitter, errors, loss of packets, retransmissions, reorder, duplication, and combinations thereof.
Speaking to the press, Mr. Karthik Ramalingam, a Senior Manager for product development of the company said, “Test tools that allow operators and service providers
to generate real-world IP impairments are extremely useful to evaluate performance
of networks. A few of the desired features
in such test tools include, the ability to use
test tools either in the lab environment or
on live networks, capacity to control the test sequences and monitor results remotely, test automation, capability to change test parameters dynamically, and higher accuracy.”
He added, “Packet loss can include a straight- forward % of packets to be lost to simulate burst models where for an error event a certain number of packets will be disrupted. Latency or packet delay, and jitter, the variance in inter- packet delay, out-of-order packets, duplicate packets, and network congestion are other types of packet impairments expected to be seen.”
Highlighting on GL Tools and their capabilities, Mr. Ramalingam further explained, “GL’s hardware based impairment generation Tools: IPNetSimTM and IPLinkSimTM o ers accuracy, higher bandwidth and variety of ways to corrupt outgoing packets and these two
available in 1 Gbps, 10 Gbps versions. PacketExpertTM 1G and PacketExpertTM 10G
are general all-purpose Ethernet test tools that can generate and analyse the incoming Ethernet tra c.  ese are available as either portable
or as rackmount network appliances.  e Multi-stream Tra c Generator and Analyzer application within PacketExpertTM is capable
of generating multi-stream Ethernet tra c
of varying packet length and also analyse the loopback tra c.  e Record and Playback within PacketExpertTM is a wirespeed tra c generator and capture application that gives the user  exibility in recreating any kind of
live network conditions – i.e., tra c captured on a live network (using either PacketScanTM or Wireshark®) can be easily recreated in the lab.  e Record-only application captures packet and timestamped at the hardware level, thereby achieving nanosecond timestamp precision.
MAPSTM RTP HD and MAPSTM PacketLoad can emulate any or all of nodes in a network infrastructure to create an end-to-end call scenario from the user initiating a voice call
or internet connection to the data server, responding to that request and all other necessary exchanges in between.  ese are available as special purpose rackmount network appliances with high-density NICs capable of high call intensity (20k+ calls/sec) and high volume of sustained calls (tens of thousands of simultaneous calls/platform).
of tra c type is possible to create. You may pre- capture actual tra c to  le (PCAP) and replay in lab environment to quickly pin-point issues using external protocol analysis tools such as PacketScanTM HD.”
He further added, “In addition to the above hardware-based test tools, GL o ers so ware- only test tools that o ers cost-e ective solution to perform detail functionality testing and are broadly categorized under MAPSTM IP Test Tools
(LTE, IMS, DIAMETER, UMTS, GSM, GPRS, BICC, MAP, SIP, MGCP, MEGACO,...) .  ese tools are multi-protocol and multi-interface testers that perform complete end-to-end simulation of signalling and tra c between any two points in the network infrastructure.
For more speci c and detailed testing, MAPSTM applications run script based call setup
For more specific and detailed
testing, MAPSTM applications
run script based call setup and
tear down using different
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Vertical market solutions. Analog, VoIP, corded, or cordless.
– K–12/College/University classroom, dormitory, hallway, administrative, faculty of ce
– Patient or resident room,  xed or single-use, maternity room, of ce, common area
– Sales area, cash register, stock room, warehouse, show room, common area
General Of ce
– Executive, administrative, reception, hallway, common area
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