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Telecom Reseller: Cisco Tribune NEWS l PRODUCTS l PEOPLE l EVENTS 3rd Quarter 2016 5

Cisco Chooses Pune for Second
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from within your network?
Global Delivery Center in India
A distributed workforce has made it more
imperative than ever to address E911. Not 
only must accurate location information 
be considered, the routing of the call itself 
becomes an issue.
Underlining commitment to India’s digitization, Cisco 
Anyone responsible for a multi-line Pune plays a key role in our global strategy 
telephone system (MLTS) must take expands footprint of its Maharashtra operations
to execute global advanced services business 
proactive measures to ensure that E911
along with providing services to India..We 
is properly conigured. In recent months, believe the Pune center will set the global 
national media has picked up on tragedies standard in terms of its ability to attract 
that might have been prevented if E911 Cisco outlined the next phase of its to a broader customer base. The centre will talent, deliver the quality of the services, 
had not been left undone. Beyond the most investment in India by expanding its
help deepen the local expertise in advanced and achieve customer satisfaction. This 
important and obvious fact that lives are at Pune operations and launching the Cisco® digital technologies and contribute to Pune’s center enables Cisco to share its global best 
stake, E911 is now a cost avoidance issue Global Delivery Center. The opening of the economic growth. The delivery center in practices and cutting-edge technologies with 
that cannot be ignored.
Global Delivery Center in Cisco’s 172,000 Pune will focus on customers embracing local customers and provide great services 
It is possible to employ an E911 solution sq ft Pune ofice is a strategic move by the digitization including leading Indian and for a broader customer base,” said Sanjay 
that works in tandem with Cisco’s company to support customers globally and global telco operators, insurance and inance Pal, Vice President, Advanced Services. 
Emergency Responder to provide the critical in India. With the new Pune centre, India institutions, as well as consumer goods Cisco Inc
call routing service. If Lori is working from will be the only country in the world where companies – most of them operating on
“The Global Delivery Center in Pune 
her home ofice in Los Angeles and suffers
Cisco will have two global delivery centres.
a global scale. The Pune center plans to reconirms our commitment for a long 
a stroke, when her daughter picks up the Providing the best experience for double its headcount in the next two years.
lasting partnership with our customers 
phone on her work desk to dial 9-1-1 is she customers is vital for Cisco. The opening of The Pune delivery center builds on the and the Maharashtra Government. This 
going to reach emergency responders located this center will enable Cisco to get closer success of the Global Delivery Centre at center has been designed to provide the 
in LA, or in Chicago where the core switch is to its customers, thereby allowing Cisco
Cisco’s Bengaluru site which also includes best experience as well as services and 
located? The proper E911 solution will route to expand its current delivery capacity a Network Operations Center that allows products along with local innovations to our 
the 9-1-1 call from the core switch back to leading to increased customer satisfaction. engineers to proactively monitor and report customers.
the 9-1-1 Center nearest to where the call The centre will help to proactively explore any detected anomalies in the customer’s The Maharashtra government has a 
potential service growth opportunities, network.
powerful vision to be a digital state, create 
Ensuring 9-1-1 works at your especially in Maharashtra.
Cisco’s digitisation strategy is a long- smart cities and transform the delivery of 
organization is not as complex or costly as Cisco chose Pune as the site for the new term commitment to a partnership with citizen services. With today’s announcement 
you might imagine; in fact, in most cases the delivery center due to its mutiple attributes national leadership, industry, and academia we are excited to play a role in enabling 
opposite is true. Cisco Preferred Solution – the city’s strategic location, its supportive to deliver real outcomes faster and more Maharashtra’s digitization, creating 
Partner 911 Emergency Telecom Company government and digital transformation effectively. It aims to accelerate the national employment opportunities for engineering 
(911ETC) has several resources to share as vision, deep technical talent and excellent digitisation agenda, grow GDP, create new and business professionals, while 
you investigate E911 for your organization. communications infrastructure. Through jobs, and invest in sustainable innovation contributing to the knowledge economy in 
Call us at 480-719-8558, email info@911etc. the successful operation of the Pune center, ecosystem across public and private sectors.
the state,” said Dinesh Malkani, President, 
com or visit for more Cisco hopes to bring new opportunities, new Supporting Quotes
Cisco India & SAARC. ■
information. ■
businesses and great service experiences
“The Cisco Global Delivery Center in
More at

VOSS Receives Cisco HCS 

Cloud Builder Certiication

VOSS becomes the irst organization to be premise telephony PBXs to Cisco HCS in If she dials 9-1-1, 
certiied by Cisco to carry out Cisco HCS the cloud.”
Rob Moore, VP Global Services at VOSS will  rst responders 
VOSS Solutions announced it has been added; “In the last 12 months, over 250,000 
certiied by Cisco as a Hosted Collaboration end points have been migrated to Cisco 
Solution (HCS) Cloud Builder Service HCS. VOSS is in a unique position to
 nd her quickly?
Provider, to support Cisco HCS partners enable HCS partners to accelerate customer 
globally with their customer onboarding, consumption of their hosted offerings and 
migration, adaptations and best practice realize the operational eficiencies that Cisco 
HCS with CUCDM can provide.”
VOSS is Cisco’s software development More than 50% of Cisco HCS partners 
partner and OEM developer of the Cisco UC utilize VOSS Global Services today, covering 
Domain Manager (CUCDM) component of all geographies, for a variety of HCS-focused Don’t compromise 
Cisco HCS, with over 12 years of experience services including; training, customer your employees’ safety.
building and supporting Cisco partners in onboarding, mass migrations, application 
the operations of their hosted UC platforms.
integration and CUCDM10.x adaptation, as 
CUCDM offers a clearly differentiated well as HCS best practices and operational 
alternative to traditional UC operational support – remotely and onsite.
With end-to-end support, our E9-1-1 
management platforms. With CUCDM, UC VOSS continues to innovate, to ensure enterprise solutions are simple to deploy 
operational teams can complete their initial that Cisco HCS partners are beneiting 
deployments quickly and easily (out-of- from the best business communications and manage. Strong expertise in complex 
the-box), and then eficiently “adapt” the operations management (BCOM) platform 
automation processes to the speciic and on the market.
environment support, such as multiple 
evolving needs of their business, without ·
UC vendors deployed on premise, hosted, 
the need for re-coding. The adaptation of Adaptation Services
CUCDM not only increases the level of end- VOSS is the irst organization to be or in hybrid environments.
to-end automation of an operational process, certiied by Cisco to carry out Cisco HCS 
genuinely lowering its TCO, it also allows adaptations. This enables HCS partners to 
communications platforms to be much more complete their initial deployments quickly Call or click today for more information
and easily out-of-the-box, and then have 
Mike Frayne, CEO at VOSS commented; access to VOSS Adaptation Services to 877.862.2835 or
“For more than a decade VOSS has eficiently adapt the automation processes 
amassed a wealth of HCS best practices to the speciic and evolving needs of their 
for onboarding end customers, their users, business without the need for re-coding.
devices and UC services. Couple this 
expertise with our MiGr8-2-UC Migration UC Analytics
technology and our Adaptation Services, VOSS UC Analytics gives Cisco HCS
and VOSS is in a very strong position to 
migrate customers from legacy and on-
Continues on page 7 ››

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