Page 301 - Velilla's Product Catalogue 2024-2025
P. 301
EN ISO 13688
Protective clothing.
This standard specifies the general requirements for ergonomics, safety, sizing, aging and labeling of protective clothing. It
can only be used in conjunction with other regulations.
EN 14058 EN ISO 11611
Cold Environments. Welding and related processes.
Protection against the effects of cold environments Protection against splashes, short contact with flame
between -5ºC and 10ºC. and radiant heat from the electric arc. Minimizes the
risk of electric shock from contact with conductive
Y Thermal resistance type Type 1 Protection against welding techniques
Y Air permeability type (optional) and less dangerous situations that
Y Water penetration resistance type (optional) produce lower levels of molten metal
Y Insulation value, l in m2k/W (optional) spatter and heat radiation
Y Insulation value, l in m2k/W (optional)
Type 2 Protection against welding techniques
and more dangerous situations that
produce higher levels of molten metal
spatter and heat radiation
EN 343 EN ISO 11612
Rain. Heat and flame.
Protection in environments defined by the possible combi- Protection against exposure to radiant, convective or
nation of these conditions: rain, fog, soil moisture and wind contact heat and molten metal splashes. Limited flame
at temperatures down to -5 ° C. spread.
X Water penetration resistance A1/A2 Testing method for flame propagation
Y Resistance to steam B Convective heat (1-3)
X Tested in the whole garment C Heat radiation (1-4)
D Molten aluminium spatter (1-3)
E Molten iron spatter (1-3)
F Contact heat (1-3)
EN ISO 20471 EN 1149-5
High Visibility. Electrostatic properties.
User visibility under daylight and / or under headlight illumi- Garments with electrostatic dissipation properties to avoid
nation in the dark (in high-risk situations). incendiary discharges.
Class determined according to the amount of fabrics
and the level of visibility
EN 17353
Improved visibility.
User visibility under daylight and / or under headlight
illumination in the dark (in medium risk situations).
Visibility in dark conditions
Class B2 Reflective material on extremities
Class B3 Retroreflective material on torso and
extremities. ANNEXES