Page 5 - Daiber General Catalogue 2024
P. 5
Social Compliance OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100
Gustav Daiber GmbH is a long-standing member of the Business Social This standard guarantees that textile and non-textile product
Compliance Initiative (amfori BSCI) and commits itself as well as its components pose no threat to health. The components of all the
business partners and suppliers to socially responsible business products of JAMES & NICHOLSON and myrtle beach, i.e. also all
practices. Accordingly, the corporate fashion products of JAMES & threads, buttons and other accessories, are tested for harmful
NICHOLSON and myrtle beach are manufactured in compliance with substances and pose no threat to health.
the BSCI Code of Conduct.
The fabric of this article has
been tested for harmful sub-
This code includes, among other things, a clear commitment to the stances and certified acc. to
right of employees to freedom of association, protection against STANDARD 100
discrimination and appropriate remuneration, i.e. a living wage.
This ensures humane and respectful treatment of suppliers along the
value chain. Furthermore, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and
Human Rights apply, as well as the occupational safety regulations of OCS Standard
the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Child labour, forced labour
or precarious working conditions are not tolerated. The Organic Content Standard makes it possible to record the exact
proportion of organic material in the products and to follow it
Several independent inspection bodies in the production countries through the production chain. This guarantees product treceability
take care of the strict auditing of all factories and ensure compliance and transparency in the value chain.
with these conditions.
content standard
content standard
Certified by CU 853836
Environmental protection Made with 50 %– 95%
Organically Grown Cotton
In addition to social standards, Daiber is also committed to impro- Certified by CU853836
ving environmental sustainability in its international supply chain.
By introducing the amfori BEPI system of the Business Environmental
Performance Initiative, for example, environmentally oriented services
can be monitored and potential for improvement can be identified. Quality Standard
This makes it possible to work together with long-standing suppliers
to develop new approaches for more product responsibility and a The products are continually examined by certified testing institutes
more responsible value chain and to implement them in a targeted in the countries of production regarding the given parameters.
manner. For this purpose, the production sites receive special training Moreover, in cooperation with SGS, Testex, Hohenstein and other
measures for practical implementation, so that the impact on the renowned institutes, the quality is continually controlled.
environment is continuously reduced.
When manufacturing the products, too, care is taken to keep the
environmental impact as low as possible. Thus all the products of Recycled Polyester
JAMES & NICHOLSON and myrtle beach are REACH-compliant, are
certified OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 and Organic Content Standard The increasingly used recycled polyester is made from collected
(OCS) and thus meet high quality standards. In addition, sustainable PET-bottles, which are crushed, melted down and spun to yarn
materials such as organic cotton and recycled polyester are again, which is sometimes completely integrated into the pro-
increasingly used. duction. For example, for producing the workwear cap MB6234
about 3half-litre bottles are recycled and for the new sport T-shirt
JN519 even 25.
Complying with the REACH regulation
The REACH regulation is the European chemicals legislation on the
registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals.
All the products of JAMES & NICHOLSON and myrtle beach are
manufactured in compliance with REACH.