Page 435 - James Ross Main Catalogue 2024
P. 435


        Orders have to be placed online (on our web site).
        In special situations we can accept orders by fax or mail.
        It is not possible to modify orders submitted as they are processed immediately.

        For prices refer to the in force price list.

                                                       MINIMUM ORDER
        For orders less than € 150.00, € 10.00 will be charged for handling fees

                                                     ORDERS FULFILMENT
        Fulfilment timing required is 24/48 hours. The following day through a forwarding agent goods are delivered across
        Delivery time by geographical area and a tracking system of the order are available on our web site.

                                           TRANSPORT DOCUMENTS AND INVOICES
        All transport documents and all invoices are published on the website on the same day they are issued.
        Invoices are only sent via email on the day of issue, but remain available on our website for 6 months

        The recipient can always sign the delivery note for acceptance with reserve if the packages may appear to be
        damaged, altered or inferior to those indicated on the transport document.

        Transportation costs are charged according to the price list available on our web site.

                                                    PAYMENT CONDITIONS
        Payment with credit cards are accepted while transmitting an on line order, or by bank transfer in advance to the
        shipping of the goods.

                                                 GOODS DELIVERY CHECKING
        Consignee must check colour and size of the items delivered before print or embroidery. Customized goods return
        will not be accepted.

                                                      RETURN OF GOODS
        Return of goods are accepted only due to our mistakes while fulfilling the orders.
        Customized goods return will not be accepted.
        The cost of the return includes fixed costs of 25 euros for document management and for physical control and variable
        repositioning costs as follows:
        5 euros for each intact box and 2 euros for each mixed size piece.
        Transport costs are at client charge.

                                                  FORCES BEYOND CONTROL
        Our company is not liable for failure to fulfil its obligation under the Agreement two to causes beyond its reasonable
        control (acts of nature, custom operations, operational disruptions, man made or natural disasters, strikes, delivery
        delays or transportation…)

                                                     LEGAL CONDITIONS
        The court of Piacenza (Italy) has jurisdiction and venue over all controversies.
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