Page 52 - Power. Parity. Profit. Africas women...OUR time is now_Book 1
P. 52

Parity. Power. Profit
                       _____________________          PABWA

                           C o p y r i g h t

         The quotes contained herein, are the intellectual property of the owners, as
         stipulated in the credits.
         The use of these quotes in this book have been taken from publicly available
         information, and all credit has been given to the owners.

         This document is protected by the WIPO convention of 1967, with further
         protection under the WIPO Copyright Treaty, under the Berne Convention.

         Any reproduction or copying of this information and ideas is prohibited, & will
         be deemed a breach of the above.

         All use of the material contained herein, has to be with the express permission
         of the owners, as stipulated in the references, as well as the Pan African
         Business Women's Association, PABWA as the owner of the concept of the book
         and the collection of the quotations.

         The information contained in these documents is confidential, privileged and
         only for the information of the intended recipient and may not be used,
         published or redistributed without the prior written consent of the owners, as
         listed above and in the references.
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