Page 9 - Power. Parity. Profit. Africas women...OUR time is now_Book 1
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M e s s a g e f r o m o u r P a t r o n PABWA
The plight of African women and the struggle for emancipation has been going
on for generations. The current generations of African women, find ourselves in
a position of having both a foundation to build on, but also, the struggles have
never been this bad, AND there are new struggles.
The issue of economic empowerment has become critical to the fight for
gender equality, in a world where money runs the world. At the same time, we
live in a world where women are 50% of the global and Africa’s population.
Furthermore, in Africa they are the primary caregivers of children and youth,
and in Africa, care giving is not seen as work, and therefore goes unpaid.
You could say, women run the world, but because we are not paid for it, we
cannot calculate the economic value of women, in Africa or the world.
The UN Women Generation Equality campaign is critical to the Sustainable
Development Goals, and specifically to SDG 5. 2030 is less than 10 years away,
and we have a long way to go to achieve the targets of SDG 5, but I do believe
we can make significant progress, if we take seriously the words of Sis
Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, when she says “Build Back Better”.
Africa MUST and NEEDS TO use the recovery of post-Covid19 to correct
generational legacies of gender inequality, but most importantly to close the
economic gaps so far as gender equality is concerned. Heads of State have
declared 2020-2030 as the African Women’s Decade of Financial & Economic
Inclusion and that means that on the African continent we have 3 gender goals
to achieve:
Agenda 2063
African Women’s Decade 2020-2030
It’s time for results, showing action and actual progress towards the above
goals. We simply cannot talk anymore. That time is over.
Happy 10th anniversary to UN Women and my heartfelt congratulations to Sis
Phumzile on the success and achievements of UN Women. We are so proud of
you, but more than that, we are extremely grateful to you for all that you are
doing for women and girls in the world.
Pinky Kekana
Pinky Kekana
Pinky Kekana