Page 32 - 03-RISE-March-2021
P. 32


                  ART INTEGRATION
                   IN MATHEMATICS

         The Warli or Varli is an indigenous tribe (Adivasi) of
         western India, living in mountainous as well as coastal are-
         as along the Maharashtra-Gujarat border and surrounding

         areas. Warli paintings are painted white on mud walls. The
         paintings are beautifully executed and resembles pre-
         historic cave paintings in execution and usually depict
         scenes of human figures engaged in activities like hunting,
         dancing, sowing, and harvesting. Skills in art and math are
         closely related. Both disciplines require spatial reasoning
         skills and the ability to recognize patterns. Artists and
         mathematicians  use geometry in their work — including
         shapes, symmetry, proportion, and measurement.

                      MATH PUZZLE

        Here  is  a  Sudoku  puzzle.  Fill  in  the  gameboard  so  the

        numbers 1 to 9 occur exactly once in each row, column and
        3 x 3 box. The numbers can appear in any order, and diago-
        nals are not considered

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