Page 5 - 04-RISE-April-2021
P. 5

RAMADAN – The Month of Fasting                        the five mandatory ones) throughout the night. Laylat al-
                                                              Qadr variously rendered in English as the Night of De-
                                                              cree, Night of Power, Night of Value, Night of Destiny,

                                                              or Night of Measures, is, in Islamic belief, the night
       Ramadan is a holy month of fasting, introspection
       and prayer for Muslims, the followers of Islam. It     when the Quran was first sent down from Heaven to the
       is celebrated as the month                             world and also the night when the first verses of
       during which Muhammad re-                              the Quran were revealed to the prophet Muhammad. Ac-
       ceived the initial revelations                         cording to many Muslim sources, it was one of the odd-
       of the Quran, the holy book                            numbered nights of the last ten days of Ramadan, the
       for Muslims. Fasting is one of                         ninth month of the Islamic cal-
       the five fundamental princi-                           endar. Since that time, Mus-

       ples of Islam. Each day dur-                           lims have regarded the last ten
       ing Ramadan, Muslims do not eat or drink from          nights of Ramadan as being
       sunrise to sunset. They are also supposed to avoid     especially
       impure thoughts and bad behavior. Ramadan is the       blessed. Muslims believe that
       ninth month in the Muslim lunar calendar. Healthy adult   the Night of Qadr comes with
       Muslims fast in Ramadan from dawn until dusk. This in-  blessings and mercy of God in
       cludes abstaining from drinking, eating, immoral acts and   abundance, sins are forgiv-
       anger. Other acts of worship such as prayer, reading the   en, supplications are accepted,
       Quran and charity are also encouraged during the holy   and that the annual decree is
       month. Muslims fast during Ramadan to get closer to God   revealed to the angels who carry it out according to
       through prayer and contemplation. Many acts of worship   God's plan.

       apart from fasting are done during this month . Of them,
                                                                              RAMADAN KAREEM…
       the most important one is the 'Taraweeh' prayer ob-
       served in the evening. Many acts of worship apart from      Name: AYSHA FARHANA RASHEED
       fasting are done during this month. Of them, the most
       important one is the ‘Taraweeh’ prayer observed in the      Class: 8-E
       evening. It’s usually a community event, when mosques all
       over the world conduct additional prayers (apart from


        “Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower.” This quote by Hans Christian An-
        derson has taught me a lesson to not make my life dull or tedious, instead I must be ready for adventure wherever
        and whenever and must find new ways in doing ordinary things. This is what it means to live a life, to "explore". We
        humans do not have nine lives as it is told that cats do. We only have one life, one chance, and that is exactly why
       we must live it to the fullest. In school, my teachers teach me that life is not all about marks or studies. I agree as
                            well. It isn't just about education. Let us take ice cream as an example. Only vanilla flavor will
                             bore us in a way that we end up being fed up with and we don’t like it anymore. We must also
                            try all the other delicious flavors like strawberry, chocolate, butterscotch and much more. In
                               the same way not only education is required, we require a little enjoyment as well, and it
                            makes me very happy to know that schools have extracurricular activities because that allows
           each and every one of us to find out what we are meant to be. This is life. Explore it, face it, and conquer it.

            Name: Pauline Jimmy Kochumuttom
            Class : 8E

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