Page 22 - RISE-January-2021
P. 22


                           KARATE                                              HANDSTAND

         Karate is a type of Japanese martial art, which originated
         in  Okinawa.  The  word  karate  in  Japanese  means  “empty   Benefits of doing a handstand

         hand”. It’s said that karate was influenced by Fujian White
         Crane, a form of kung-fu originating in Southern China.    Handstand works your core and improve balance while
         Karate has helped me develop as a human being and pro-  giving you the benefits of increased circulation and lymph
         vided  me  with  the  tools  for  self-defence,  self-confidence   flow. You'll engage your whole body while using your
         and self-discipline. We all shall practice Karate because it   shoulders, arms, core and back.
         increases our stamina, flexibility and strength.
         I have been training in Karate for over 3 years now, I start-
         ed karate journey from white belt and now I am a  black
         belt holder. Black belt is one of the milestones in my life
         and I reach the same with highest score within our Karate

         institute. As said by my Sensei:

                            ^D/ W d/>  ͬ ϲ
          “Wearing a black belt doesn’t mean you are invincible ….               ^,  D >/<  ͬ ϲ
                      It means you never gave up,
                       worked passed the pain,
                    Overcome the disappointments,
              Faced your fears and learned enough to realize,
                         how little you know.”
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