Page 10 - Gyananda YearBook 2022-23
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Greetings, dear readers!
As another eventful session draws to a close, we eagerly anticipate the
upcoming year. We hope all of you are in good health as we return to our
regular lives following COVID-19 years. In life there are no rewinds, only
flashbacks, hence we bring to you such memorable achievements, events,
and episodes from the years 2022–2023.
Each of us at Gyananda has plenty of opportunities to grow, explore, and
succeed in a variety of facets of our lives, including sports, music, art,
hobbies, and academics. We place a big emphasis on growth and
development in each of these areas. We must be aware that life may
occasionally throw us a curve ball; therefore, we must be ready to meet
challenges head-on.
One pressing issue we would like to bring to the forefront is the pressures we
students face from society. Whether it be looking a certain way, getting a
perfect score, or winning awards for applause, we have all been in a situation
where our self-esteem crumbles to the ground because of some such
incident. As said by Steve Maraboli, ‘Nothing is worth your health. Nothing is
worth poisoning yourself with stress, anxiety, and fear. Talking about mental
health is more important now than ever. We must break the stigma
surrounding mental health issues and seek support when we need it.
Furthermore, we should remind ourselves that we are more than our grades
or accomplishments. Our worth is not defined by external factors. We
should celebrate our unique qualities and embrace our imperfections. After
all, it's our differences that make us unique. Remember, we are capable of
great things, and our mental health is an essential part of that journey. We
hope that each girl at Gyananda tackles life’s ups and downs in a positive
Radhika Kohli, Grade XI
Rianna Malhotra, Grade XI