Page 57 - Gyananda YearBook 2022-23
P. 57
While Gyananda School for Girls believes that all learning should be
purposeful, it also believes that there are no limits to fun. We celebrated
November 14, 2022 marked as Children's Day with youthful exuberance and
thereby paid tribute to our beloved "Chacha Nehruji."
The programme began This was followed by an
with our teachers exciting fete at the
performing lively dances school’s tennis court. With
and melodious musical a little nip in the air,
shows. In a short span of children relished cups of
time, the teachers put on hot chocolate and
an interesting and marshmallows. The
entertaining show for their programme concluded
beloved students. The with the cake-cutting
children were enthralled ceremony and a dance
to see their teachers session where all the
transitioning from formula students and teachers let
to fun. The icing on the their hair down. It was a
cake was a self-composed memorable day for both
the children and adults.
qawwaali based on the
daily life of a student. Aanya Dangwal
Grade XI