Page 5 - Leveraging Up! Presentation by Joanne Linden - 2020 & Beyond Session 10-29-2020
P. 5

What is the #1 struggle assistants

                   Aligning                                                                                            have when partnering with
                                      If you want to be

                                                                                                                       their  leader?

                                       happy, set a goal
                   Expectations                                                                                        What are your expectations for

                          that commands your

                   With Your Executive                                                                                 your personal career goals?
                                 thoughts, liberates

                                         your energy and                                                               Do your expectations and
                                                                                                                       goals align with your

                              inspires your hopes                                                                      leader’s expectations?

                                                     -Andrew Carnegie                                                  It’s never too late to align or
                                                                                                                       realign expectations with

                                                                                                                       your leader
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