Page 25 - Leveraging Up ebook by Joanne Linden 2021 ACE
P. 25


                                 LIKE ME”

        Some  relationships  just  start  out  rocky.  Maybe  your  Manager

        misread  a  facial  expression,  or  perhaps  they  just  had  a  huge
        disagreement with their own manager that morning, and the residue

        is still on their attitude towards, well… everything. It seems that at

        certain points in life, we have all had that unfortunate experience of
        working with or for someone who just doesn’t seem to have any bit

        of desire to accept us, much less like us. However, in the business

        world,  and  especially  in  the  workplace  as  an  Administrative
        Professional, when these situations arise, it is a test of our patience

        as well as our skill set.

        As an Administrative Professional, there is a certain responsibility to
        find ways to deal with and solve difficult situations. Whether it is a

        double-booked event, people not showing up to meetings on time,

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