P. 12

Modul IV. Looking For A job

               Activity I

               1.  The objective of Learning
                   a.  To enable students to looking for a job in English Program

                   b.  To enable students in speaking about looking for job.
                   c.  To Understand the vocabularies related job.

                   d.  To easier create short conversation related looking for a job with each others

               2.  The Description of material

                   Situation: John just graduated with a Bachelor degree in Finance. As a result, he wants to
                   find a job in his field of studies instead of continuing to hold his current Payroll position.

                   Nancy             : Hi. It is good to see you, John.

                   John              : Same here, Nancy. It has been a long time since I last saw you.
                   Nancy             : Yes, the last time we saw each other was New Year’s Eve. How are

                                      you doing?
                   John              : I am doing OK. It would be better if I have a new job right now.

                   Nancy             : You are looking for a new job? Why?

                   John              : I already finished my studies and graduated last week. Now, I want to
                                     get a job in the Finance field. Payroll is not exactly Finance.

                   Nancy             : How long have you been looking for a new job?
                   John              : I just started this week.

                   Nancy             : Didn’t you have any interviews with those firms that came to our
                                     campus last month? I believe quite a few companies came to recruit

                                     students for their  Finance departments.

                   John              : I could only get one interview with Fidelity Company because of my
                                     heavy Work  schedule. A month has already gone by, and I have not

                                      heard from them. I guess I did not make it.
                   Nancy             : Don’t worry, John. You always did well in school. I know your good

                                      grades will help you get a job soon. Besides, the job market is pretty

                                      good right now, and all companies need financial analysts.
                   John              : I hope so.

                   Nancy             : You have prepared a resume, right?
                   John              : Yes.

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