Page 2 - The Modul of Psycholinguistics Studies_2
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coordination  and  motor  control;  research  shows  that  the
                speech  code,  mapping  sound  to  sign  ,  is  not  exclusively

                auditory  or  motor,  but  multimodal;  infants  become  capable
                of  delayed  imitation  (execution  separated  in  time  from

                observation),  a  possible  escape  route  from  echolalia  and  a
                first  step  towards  symbol  development.  What  seems  clear
                from the above is that the intermodal or amodal relationship

                of perception and action provides the basis for imitation. This
                also  seems  to  be  the  case  for  the  relation  between  speech
                production  and  speech  perception,  and  for  the  relation

                between gesture and speech. Based on the theories above, it
                can  be  said  that  imitation  in  language  acquisition  occurs

                when  children  imitate  language  patterns  and  vocabulary  of
                those significant to them.
                b.  Conditioning

                       B.F   Skinner    (2010)   proposed    mechanisms     of
                conditioning or habituation to the child's speech is heard and

                to be associated with objects or events that occur. Therefore
                the initial vocabulary is owned by the child is a noun.
                c.  Social cognition

                       Social cognition is a sub-topic of social psychology that
                focuses on how people process, store, and apply information

                about  other  people  and  social  situations.  It  focuses  on  the
                role that cognitive processes play in  our social interactions.
                The way we think about others plays a major role in how we

                think, feel, and interact with the world around us. It means
                that the children gain an understanding of words (semantics)

                because  he  understood  the  purpose  of  one's  cognition  to
                produce a phoneme through a mechanism of joint attention.
            2 | Fatma Yuniarti, M.Pd., B.I
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