Page 133 - July 2020 Board Meeting Agenda_Neat
P. 133
8:16 AM International Association of Auto Theft Investigators
06/24/20 Profit & Loss
Accrual Basis January through December 2019
Jan - Dec 19
Name Badge Reimbursement 303.50
Total SERC 303.50
Total E.) Branches and Chapters 46,673.50
F.) Other Types of Income
Certification 360.00
Paypal Credits
Refunded Fees 28.52
Total Paypal Credits 28.52
Test Deposit 0.01
Total F.) Other Types of Income 388.53
Total Income 208,628.06
Gross Profit 208,628.06
Computer expenses
Ink 118.30
PC File Backup 149.71
Total Computer expenses 268.01
Envelopes 109.08
Executive Board Expense 1,511.53
Membership Services/Recruitment
Membership Survey 384.00
Total Membership Services/Recruitment 384.00
Postage, Mailing Service 368.66
Telephone, Telecommunications
ISP 659.88
MaxEmail Services 84.00
Video Conferencing 298.90
Telephone, Telecommunications - Other 1,940.83
Total Telephone, Telecommunications 2,983.61
Total A.) ADMINISTRATION 5,624.89
B.) Executive Director
Heat and Light 14,500.00
Honorarium 5,500.00
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