Page 141 - July 2020 Board Meeting Agenda_Neat
P. 141


               Agenda Item:          5.5  IAATI 2021 Seminar (69 )
               Author:               Robert D. Force

               Date of Meeting:      July 23, 2020

               Type of Report:       For Discussion and/or Decision


               1.   Is the 2021 Seminar in Denver considered the 69th Annual Seminar or the 68th Annual Seminar as
                    the 68th Seminar in Chicago has been cancelled?


               The Site Committee has not convened this past month, but procurement and receipt of some of the
               promotional items have arrived and are being stored.  To date, there has been expenditures of $24,291
               for promotional efforts and products.  These costs have been covered through the use of CATPA funds,
               via grant monies to the CATI Association and direct payments by the CATPA Office.  Additional funds,
               accounting for $150,000 have been currently allocated (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021) to cover Colorado
               pre-registrations and planning costs.

               A question has been brought up regarding the title of the 2021 conference:  Is this considered the 69th
               Annual Seminar or the 68th Annual Seminar as the 68th Seminar in Chicago has been cancelled?

               The Site Committee has a tentative meeting scheduled for July 22, 2020.

               Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.


               Robert D. Force
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