Page 16 - The Portal magazine - March 2025
P. 16

THE P    RTAL                              March 2025                                     Page 16

        2pm (Nov-Mar), 3pm (Apr-Oct) (Divine Worship),  Sorbie DG8 8AN MASS: 1st Sunday 10.30am (Divine
        2nd Sun: Evens & Ben 4pm;  Our Lady of Pity,  Worship); 3rd Sunday various locations -  contact
        SwaffhamCONTACT: Fr Gordon Adam: 01553  Fr Simon  for details and  directions),  CONTACT: Fr
        777428 -  gordon.adam@ Dcn  Simon Beveridge: 01988 850323 - simon.beveridge@
        Shaun Morrison: 07880 600094 -  shaun.morrison@
                                                              EDINBURGH  St Patrick, 5 South Grays Close,
        WATERINGBURY  and the Medway Towns  Edinburgh EH1 1TQ   MASS: 2nd Sunday: 12.30pm
        Group 37 Barming Road, Wateringbury, Kent ME18  (Divine Worship) CONTACT: Fr Len Black: 01463
        5BD  MASS: Sunday 11am CONTACT: Fr Nicholas  235597 - 07836 365719 -
        Leviseur or to Fr
        Ed Tomlinson      BIRNIE by Elgin St Brendan, Birnie Kirk, Elgin

        SCOTLAND  -                    IV30 8SU  Evening Prayer: every Wednesday at 7pm
                                                              MASS: monthly: check website
        INVERNESS  Oratory of St Joseph,  49  Laurel  (Divine Worship),  CONTACT: Fr Len Black: 01463
        Avenue, Inverness IV3 5RR  MASS: Sunday: 11am, mid- 235597 - 07836 365719 -
        week Mass: Tues, Fri at 11.15am NAIRN St Mary, 7
        Academy Street, Nairn IV12 4RJ MASS: 1st Mon: 10am -  WALES: SOUTH EAST Ss Basil & Gwladys,
        please check times at:  (all Divine  Tregwilym Road, Rogerstone, Newport NP10 9DW
        Worship) CONTACT: Fr Len Black: 01463 235597 -  MASS: Sunday: 11am (Divine Worship)  CONTACT:
        07836 365719 -           Fr Bernard Sixtus: 07720 272137 -  bernard.sixtus@
        WHITHORN   St Martin and St Ninian,
        George Street, Whithorn DG8 8PZ    MASS: Wed          PLEASE help us by letting us know of any changes
        10.30am (Divine Worship);  Stonehouse  Mill,                  . . . email us at

                           The Ordinary’s Diary  –  March 2025

                                 The Right Reverend David Waller

                          Tel: 020 7440 5750    07721 639168    Email:
                                  The Bishop’s diary was not available at the time of going to press.

          St Anselm’s Roman Catholic Church                         HE EXISTENCE  of  the  Ordinariate,
                                                             ‘Tthus, reflects a profound and beautiful reality
               ESSAGE from Fr Ed Tomlinson:
         MI’m all in favour of good relations between         about the nature of the Church and the inculturation
                                                              of the Gospel, as a rich English heritage.
          English and American Ordinariate members.
          But this one takes things further than most…         For, the Church  is one, and the  Gospel  is one,
          Love is in the air!                                 but in the process of inculturation, the Gospel is
                                                              expressed in a variety of cultures. In this way, the
            This morning I met with Marcio and Virginia
          to begin to plan their wedding.                     Church acquires a new face, as Pope Francis teaches
                                                              in Evangelii Gaudium: “The history of the Church
            Marcio, a Brazilian by birth, is a member of      shows that Christianity does not have simply one
          the  Ordinariate  of  Our  Lady  of  Walsingham     cultural expression […]. In the Christian customs
          (UK) who worships at St Anselm’s Pembury. He        of an evangelised people, the Holy Spirit adorns the
          was confirmed last year.                            Church, showing her new aspects of revelation and
            Virginia, an American, is a member of the         giving her a new face.”
          Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter (USA) and       In this process, the Church not only gives but is
          based in Houston, Texas.                            also enriched for, as Saint John Paul II taught, “every

            The two met online and will be married at a       culture offers positive values and forms which can
          Nuptial Mass according to Divine Worship here       enrich the way the Gospel is preached, understood
          in Pembury later this year. Watch this space!       and lived.”
                                                                                              Cardinal Fernadez
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