Page 3 - The Portal magazine - March 2025
P. 3

THE P    RTAL                              March 2025                                      Page 3

        The Ordinariate Jubilee

        Year Pilgrimage to Rome

        Fr Nicholas Leviseur

            O MARK  the Holy Year a jubilee pilgrimage from Siena to Rome culminating in three days of
        Tcelebrations in Rome to mark the feast of our co-patron St John Henry Newman has been organised so
        that everyone, whether fit or fat, can take part in our jubilee pilgrimage.

         The fit, led by Fathers Andrew Starkie and Nicholas  flights and getting themselves to Siena or Rome. Those
        Leviseur, will walk the 175 miles from Siena to Rome  walking from Siena to Rome will have accommodation
        along the medieval Via Francigena over 11 days  provided in Siena on the night of Saturday 27th
        arriving on the eve of the feast of our co-patron on the  September and for two nights in Rome on the 8th and
        8th of October 2025.                                  9th of October. Those joining the pilgrims in Rome
                                                              will need to book their own accommodation and
         The less fit, led by Bishop  David,  will  meet the  flights.
        pilgrims as they arrive on the outskirts of Rome and
        walk with them into St Peter’s, join with them for the   For those interested in the walking pilgrimage
        next three days as we pray at the tombs of St Peter and  we anticipate that it will cost about £400 but every
        St Paul, go through the holy doors, visit the catacombs,  pilgrim will also be responsible for paying for their
        celebrate mass and enjoy Rome in the warmth of the  own accommodation in the pilgrim hostels and for
        autumn sunshine.                                      their own food and drink. Pilgrim hostel costs are of
                                                              the order of 20 euros a night. Food and drink may vary
         The walking pilgrimage will begin in the centre of  according to taste.
        Siena and take us by country roads and footpaths
        along the medieval route to Rome. We will stay in      Our last walking pilgrimage along the Camino to
        pilgrim hostels and like our medieval forbears carry  Santiago was amazing. This one ought if anything to
        our own packs.                                        be better.

         The route is not unlike the camino but is somewhat    If you would like to come please email either Fr
        less developed so far as tourist infrastructure is  Andrew or Fr Nicholas - andrew.starkie@ordinariate.
        concerned! We will have a support Land Rover with -
        us, driven by Fr Lashbrooke, to carry everything we
        need to celebrate mass, to provide transport for the   We need expressions of interest as soon as possible
        injured and to have a tent or two in reserve.         because we cannot take more than 18 pilgrims along
                                                              the via Francigena.
         Our intention is to carry a, lightweight, statue of
        Our Lady of Walsingham with us as a visible witness    If you would like to join us in Rome it would be
        throughout the pilgrimage.                            very  helpful  if  you  could  in  the  first  instance  let  Fr
                                                              Nicholas know. We will then begin to coordinate and
         We are not travel agents and to avoid the increasingly  let everyone know what is happening, where we will
        onerous restrictions placed on us this enterprise relies  be staying, and how and where to join the pilgrimage
        on the pilgrims to do most of the work in terms of  in Rome.

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                        Pilgrims to Rome carved in a relief, Fidenza Cathedral (late twelfth century) - Public Domain
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