Page 18 - The Portal Magazine - December 2024
P. 18
THE P RTAL December 2024 Page 18
Aid to the Church in Need
The courage it takes
to be Christian
Amy Balog
YOUNG WOMAN from Pakistan who for years has demonstrated outstanding bravery in speaking
A p for persecuted Christians – especially women and girls – received this year’s Aid to the Church in
Need (ACN) #RedWednesday ‘Courage to be Christian’ award.
Ribqa Nevash was presented with the award by
Monsignor Michael Nazir-Ali as part of the annual
#RedWednesday Mass last month at the Brompton
Oratory in London.
Mrs Nevash, aged 24, has been especially outspoken
about the plight of Christian women and girls in
Pakistan who have been kidnapped and forced to
convert to Islam and marry their abductors. She has
Ribqa Nevash in Jaranwala, Punjab, Pakistan a week after the
helped give a voice to survivors of violent persecution R ibqa N e v ash in Jar an w ala, P unjab , P ak istan a w eek af t er the
anti-Christian riots in August 2023 (© ACN)
– many of whom she has met in person – in interviews, an ti- Christian riots in A ugust 2023 (© A CN)
articles and via other media channels. said: “We are delighted to present the #RedWednesday
‘Courage to be Christian’ award to Ribqa in recognition
She has participated in a number of press conferences of her exceptional strength, courage and determination
calling for justice for Christians who have suffered in advocating for the suffering Church in Pakistan.
for their faith, such as in Jaranwala, Punjab Province She is a truly remarkable young woman who has
a week after the devastating anti-Christian riots in persisted in her faith in the face of the discrimination
August 2023. and setbacks she experienced growing up as a Catholic
girl in Pakistan.”
Mrs Nevash told ACN that she was “very honoured
and grateful to be named the recipient” of the Mrs Nevash has spoken to ACN about the adverse
award and that she would do all she can to “help my treatment she endured as the only Christian student
suffering brothers and sisters”. She said that she felt in her year group at the University of Faisalabad and
“more motivated than ever to speak up” on behalf of at job interviews as employers kept rejecting her
those oppressed for following Christ – adding that application because she was a Christian.
she saw her award acceptance speech as yet another
opportunity to encourage persecuted Christians to Dr Hull said: “Ribqa’s faith and passion are an
“stay strong in their faith despite the daily struggles inspiration for all of us. She works extremely hard and
and difficulties”. has already done so much – despite her young age – to
help raise awareness of the many injustices facing the
She went on to say: “I really appreciate all that ACN Church in Pakistan.”
does for Christians in Pakistan. Thank you so much
for everything.” She concluded: “We look forward to continuing
to accompany Ribqa on her journey and helping to
The ‘Courage to be Christian’ award was presented amplify her voice so that she can continue to speak
for the second time this year. In 2023, the first ever for those who are so often suffering in silence simply
recipient was Margaret Attah, a survivor of a deadly because of their Christian faith.”
jihadist attack on a Catholic church in southwest Amy Balog is Press Officer
Nigeria. for Aid to the Church in Need -
Dr Caroline Hull, national director at ACN (UK) or call 020 8642 8668