Page 17 - The Portal magazine - June 2024
P. 17

THE P    RTAL                               June 2024                                     Page 17

        Child of War

        An Exhibition by Arabella Dorman

            HE UKRAINIAN Orthodox Catholic Cathedral, just off Oxford Street in London, is well known
        Tfor its minstry of welcome. It is there that the Ukrainian Welcome Centre offers a centre for people from
        that war-ravaged country to meet and seek help.

          In conjunction with the charity Beyond Conflict it is
        currently hosting an amazing and moving exhibition by
        the renowned war-artist Arabella Dorman. She visited
        Ukraine last year and has put together many images
        based on her experience. There are panels of children’s
        art - their sometimes harrowing, sometimes hopeful
        but  always moving  interpretation of  life  under  war
        conditions. There are also artefacts of war - a schoolroom
        clock, shattered and distorted by a bomb which fell on
        the  school  at  ten  to  four  in  the  afternoon.  There  are
        children’s shoes, used as ashtrays by invading  soldiers.

          Arabella’s paintings are dramatic and almost
        monochrome oil paintings. One panel features a letter
        from a nine year old Ukrainian girl to her mother.
        Galya’s mother was shot and killed in their car as they
        tried to escape an attack. Miraculously saved by brave
        neighbours, Galya wrote, ‘This letter is a present for
        you. If you think that you wasted time bringing me up,
        then you are wrong. Thank you for the best nine years
        of my life. Thank you very much for my childhood. You
        are the best mum in the world. I shall never forget you.
        I wish you happiness in heaven! I wish you to go to a
        paradise. We shall meet in the paradise. I shall try to
        behave well in order to get to the paradise. I kiss you.’

          Beyond Conflict is a mental health charity working
        to tackle the unseen psychological sufferings of those   Bishop  Kenneth  Nowakowski urged  those  at  the
        caught up in wars. Edna Fernandes, Director, who  opening  Press  Conference  above  all  to  pray  –  for
        travelled with Arabella Dorman, told us that they  peace, for healing of damaged souls, and for a spirit of
        believe that there can be no lasting peace without  welcome. Beyond Conflict and the Ukrainian Welcome
        addressing these needs - one of their texts is that  Centre will share the proceeds of this exhibition – and
        “Damaged people damage people” - and yes, you will  it is hoped that later it will be taken to other parts of
        need to pause to take that in. It is reckoned that one in  this country and even abroad. The  charities may be
        five of the children who have known only war in their  small, but even a small charity can make a difference.
        lives have mental health problems, and these problems
        need to be addressed or the future will lie in the hands   The Exhibition runs until 6th June 2024. It is open
        of these damaged people.                              from 10am to 5pm every day. Entrance is free. Access is
                                                              by the door at 21 Binney Street, London W1K 5BQ. The
          There is a grave  danger that there will be sensory  nearest Underground Station is Bond Street. (From the
        overload, leading to despair that nothing can be done  Elizabeth Line leave by the Davies Street exit.)
        as the problem is just too big. But hope remains –
        even among those children who have lost everything     If you are within reach of central London and can
        and among those families whose members have been  spare an hour or so – do visit this exhibition. You will
        killed, who have lost their homes and are desperately  not regret it. More information may be found at www.
        trying to rebuild their shattered lives.    
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