Page 18 - brochure KARMA SANTE 2019 v.7
P. 18


            SEA / SEO

          The medical referencing we offer aims to improve   Search engine optimization (S.E.O) is a set of
          your visibility on the Internet. Natural referencing is   techniques used to improve the visibility of a web
          geared  to  achieving  visibility,  maximizing  the   site on a search engine's results.
          volume of hits and return on investment. Promi-
          nence, durability  and profitability are the words that   Directory registrations :
          today best describe the results of natural indexing.   A web directory classifies web sites according to the
          Referencing has three main goals : to increase your   subjects it self-selects or that are submitted. Then,
          renown  and  visibility, to  clearly  highlight  your   editors analyse the content of the pages and create
          product/services on search engine listings and to   summaries of their contents in order to direct
          generate leads relevant to your product and   visitors. This is a very important referencing stage.
          services. With your help, we implement a referen-  We therefore offer you access to the most apposite
          cing strategy that maximizes your  presence  for   and prominent growth directories currently
          search engines – the objective being to achieve top   available.
          billing presence on the relevant Google pages.
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