Page 5 - climate change
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To stop climate change, Kaili Liu says, it's time to start planting trees
and greenery. Everywhere. If he could do one thing to stop climate
change right now, Daniel Schäffer, 17, would start planting. Daniel is a
senior at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring. Md. Plants
take up CO2 from the atmosphere and store that carbon in their trunks,
stems and leaves, so the more plants, the less CO2 to worry about. "I'd
stop deforestation and plant a ton of trees," he says. "It's not the quickest,
but it's sustainable. Plus, it doesn't force people to change their
"Plant more trees anywhere there's space," agrees Kalli Liu, 17. The
senior at Ravenwood High School in Brentwood, Tenn, wants to put
plants on buildings, too, she says, She advocates creating more green
roofs-covering roofs with gardens and greenery. "Green roofs and trees
will help decrease CO2 emissions," she says